Everlasting Strength
(Isaiah 26:4 KJV)
”Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.”
We believe that the Lord is reviving and renewing our ability to depend and rely on the Lord. There are so many things, people, and voices that we constantly depend upon, and from time to time God proves to us that they are not consistent nor reliable. It is true that some may help us for a particular time/reason, especially as an extension of God’s hand and work in our lives. And yet they aren’t going to be there all the time. It’s not because they mean to hurt us or not support us but because they are limited in their capacity to serve us. There is a boundary to which they can help us because whatever they have is all that they can give to us. And yet there is a voice, a person that we can depend upon, who is everlasting and unlimited.
The Bible says we need to trust in the Lord forever. The reason being that in Him is everlasting strength. Not in our own ability or anointing or prayer life. The more we depend on Him, the more strength we have, and the more we rely on Him, the more that strength will manifest. In Isaiah 26:4, the Prophet is looking at the people and giving them a prophetic message. He’s seeing the lack of strength that the people of God have. He’s seeing their failures because of their dependence on everything, except the Lord Jehovah. If we continue to rely on and trust in Him, then we will have access to the unlimited resources found in Christ alone. One of the reasons why God will not give us everything in one go is so that we can continue to depend on Him.
Let’s not deceive ourselves by thinking, that as soon as we trust in Him, that everlasting strength will now be ours. We have to continue to go to Him every day, in seasons we have answers, and even in seasons, we don’t have answers. For in Him, we know and understand that we have everlasting strength.
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