Ephesians 2:4-5 MSG
Instead, immense in mercy and with an incredible love, He embraced us…
Ephesians 2 says that because of God’s immense love and mercy we have been saved through His grace. God loves you more than you can imagine. Hope you will be blessed by the worship song.
Sinking Deep [Song Lyrics]
Standing here in Your presence
In a grace so relentless
I am won by perfect love
Wrapped within the arms of heaven
In a peace that lasts forever
Sinking deep in mercy’s sea
I’m wide awake, drawing close, stirred by grace
And all my heart is Yours
All fear removed, I breathe you in, I lean into
Your love, oh, Your love
When I’m lost You pursue me
Lift my head to see Your glory
Lord of all, so beautiful
Here in You I find shelter
Captivated by the splendor
Of Your face, my secret place
I’m wide awake, drawing close, stirred by grace
And all my heart is Yours
All fear removed, I breathe you in, I lean into
Your love, oh, Your love
Your love so deep is washing over me
Your face is all I seek, You are my everything
Jesus Christ, You are my one desire
Lord, hear my only cry, to know You all my life
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