Ephesians 1:12
“God’s purpose was that we Jews who were the first to trust in Christ would bring praise and glory to God.”
Series: Praise in Ephesians
This morning we continue to study the book of Ephesians. We were looking for all the praise verses in this book.
Ephesians 1:12 – “God’s purpose was that we Jews who were the first to trust in Christ would bring praise and glory to God.”
This is Apostle Paul saying in the above verse. There are three highlight points from this verse
1. God’s purpose for our lives is to bring worship to Him.
God created us in His own image so that we can reflect His glory, goodness, greatness and awesomeness back to Him.
2. God’s purpose for us is to be rooted in Christ Jesus.
The more you trust in Jesus, the more you will praise God.
3. God’s purpose for us is to praise and bring glory to Him.
The best way to bring praise to God is by giving Him glory for everything in your lives.
If you live out according to the purpose that God has created us for worship, then you will be a worship instrument who will be constantly praising and worshipping God and this is the kind of believer that the devil is afraid of. Hope you will be a worshipper like this today!
God bless you!
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