I was recently approached by a young, effervescent and versatile minister who shared how he was struggling with porn, even after so many attempts to try and overcome it. I believe there will be many out there who need healing in this area, and after much prayers, have decided to write about the same.
Pornography, as innocuous it may seem, is as much a sin as murder or adultery, and we are required to strategically fight this issue out of our life.The best way to tackle this sin happens to be when we expose it..because when it is exposed, sin loses its power on us!
If you have been a believer for some time, or are probably ministering, or even leading worship like my friend has been, I would suggest that you have a personal mentor to whom you will be completely transparent and accountable to. It might be very tricky for you to confide in other people if you are still struggling, but a mentor is indispensable.
- Only Strategies Won’t Help: If you have been a minister for sometime and have even helped others come out of this habit of porn, you’ll realize that only strategies, techniques or programs will not help you. You probably know all the ‘how’s and ‘what’s. This habit is already a noose around your neck. Since, the last time when you dealt with it, you hadn’t plucked it out from the roots, this time you really need to!
- Take A Step Down: If you are in the ministry, and have been struggling for quite some time with porn, you need to understand that it is no longer safe for you to be ministering right now. Take a break, rest a while and in the meantime, seek complete restoration of your spiritual health.
- Fight Your Way Out: Remember that pornography is The Leviathan that attacks you in your mind and makes you feel porn is an unconquerable aspect of your life. How did David respond to threats from Goliath? David dared to venture out and fight! He was not satisfied with just getting that monster to the floor.. he went ahead and chopped his head off! You might also want to delete some phone numbers, erase those hard disks, break a few CD’s, block some websites to never let this giant raise its ugly head and worm into your life again!
The blood of Jesus Christ has the power to not only wash you off your sins, but to break sin’s power over your life!
- Pluck Out Your Eye: If it still gets worse, remember what Jesus said. “If your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.” (Matt 18:9) May I paraphrase it in these terms; it is better to go to heaven without a computer than to go to hell with it! What is your eye? Is it your computer, laptop, phone, magazines? Pluck it out completely, if required!
- A tool to help: Click Here to download and install an accountability software on your computer that will automatically inform your mentors or accountability partners every time you trail away. This is the best way to keep a check on yourself and to continually remain liable.
- Pursue God: Remember that no victory in life comes free of cost. The only price you need to pay in overcoming sin is that you consistently seek God with all that is in you. When you move with God, victory over sin is yours for the taking! Just like Paul says, “We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.” (Rom 8:37)
- Testify Your Breakthrough: And finally, remember that the key to overcome the devil and his dirty tricks is always the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the word of your testimony! (Rev 12:11) The blood of Jesus Christ has power not only to wash you off of your sins, but to break sin’s power off your life! And your words are mighty forceful! Your testimony and your confessions carry power..strong enough to give you a breakthrough!
I am glad you brought this up… Lotsa people do not realize that they need to deal with this. 🙂
Thanks for response Vini! It is so true, many people simply ignore it, which on a long term turns out to be a nightmare!
THIS WAS POWERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s helping me because I’ve got a straying eye at times but THANK YOU for this A W E S O M E post. It answered some questions.
And thanks for the free e-book…I like anything that’s free. 😀
Thanks for the frank and sincere comment Jherrel! God bless you! and Welcome!!
An important issue to be dealt with………….GOOD ONE BRO!!!!!!
Thanks for response Kenneth! Ofcourse it is an important issued that we have to deal with! God bless you!
Thanks for posting Priji. I hope many read this and are encouraged and strengthened to turn to seeking God to overcome this struggle.. God bless!
Yes Grace, Same is my prayer! Praying that many will be strengthened to fight this thing out of their lives!
Hi Bro..
Great article.. I am the dirty plans of the devil are exposed..
Sorry Bro.. the previous comment was incomplete.. I wanted to say “I am sure that the dirty plans of the devil are exposed through this article”.. 🙂
Thank you Leo for the response! Amen! Let us pray that the devil’s plans don’t prevail over our generation!
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It is a demon. One of the biggest mistakes the church makes today is not realizing demons are real and that people have a LOT of them. The other secret is to pray in tongues as much as possible during the day. The Word says that if we walk in the Spirit, we will NOT fulfill the lusts of the flesh. The other secret is fasting. I was free, now I am enslaved, but I am determined to get free again. Pleas pray for me. My name is Doug. My number is 641-680-3353. Thanks.