How Porn Kills

by | Jan 11, 2018 | Character Building

While Browsing through news I came across a news article that said, that on a daily basis, over 160 attempts are made to access pornographic content in the UK Parliament.

Well, this news article didn’t really surprise me. We live in a day and age where porn is not just ignored or excused, it’s socially accepted and justified, not just in colleges and dorm rooms, but in offices, community groups, and even in parliaments of nations! Several MPs of India have been in the news in the past for watching pornographic content while the house is still in session.

That would make anybody ask, why there is such a regression in social morals? Is it because we aren’t aware of the downsides of pornography? Is it because it hasn’t already been proved disastrous to the social structure? Is it because there’s no proof of it continually destroying marriages in our day and age?

In this post I attempt to give you five reasons why you need to flee pornography, because if you don’t, it will really kill you!

Porn Kills Intelligence

If you are into pornography, you may not have already noticed this, but here’s what happens.

Porn, just like any other destructive recreation, takes a lot of your mind space. It takes over and dulls the creativity of your mind by keeping your mind busy in thinking unproductive thoughts on unachievable fantasies. When someone is continually exposed to porn, it comes back to their thoughts and mind when the mind is not actively engaged.

This kills the efficiency of one’s memory capacity, the natural reasoning ability, and even the ability to process facts and information.

Porn Kills Respect

The very present danger of porn is the increasing tendency to objectify another person.

Anybody continually engaging in porn will naturally lose respect for people of, in particular, the opposite gender. There is no more looking at the other person from the perspective that they are made in God’s image. The failure to appreciate a person for who they are in God, instead assessing them based on their gender, body endowments, facial feature etc, takes place often, since one engages in a reel world transcending beyond screen time.

Porn Kills Society

Here’s a true story. A young man confessed to me to have almost tried to rape his sister due to continual exposure to pornography. Men and women struggle to have a straight conversation with the opposite gender, often experience a decreases in their willingness to get into long term and healthy relationships, because of over exposure to porn in their younger days.

Porn reduces healthy social interactions since the addiction to it chains one down to a computer, phone or television, it then the becoming primary source of interaction.

Looking at it from another angle, for every video watched, there is yet another attempt to mug, kidnap, rape, assault, abuse, extort, enslave and entrap a human being, as the survivors of the porn-producing industry would testify, to keep the machine running for the porn-consuming audience.

Porn Kills Marriages

This surely is not a new fact. Porn becomes the extra-marital affair in a marriage. The crutch that either/both of the partners go to for sexual satisfaction end up destroying any chance or hope of having a real, love-filled, fulfilling marriage.

The possibilities of you imagining and engaging in sexual fantasies with real people, within and outside of marriage around you is a very dangerous reality.

Porn also brings dissatisfaction in your current sexual relationship within marriage, forcing one to look outside for answers, which can end the person up in more deeper trouble. If you are married and are watching porn, that is surely an indication that your marriage is in trouble and that you need help at multiple levels. Never wait for it to become a mountain of a problem, before reaching out and seeking counsel from others.

Porn Kills Sex

If you have been indulging in porn, no amount or type of sex can really satisfy you. Because thats how wide and diverse is the carnal world of porn. One of the biggest marriage killers is dissatisfaction in bed. And one of the greatest causes for that is pornographic additions from early ages and multiple sexual relationships before marriage. The world says that you need to resort to porn to be good at sex. That doesn’t make any sense. You and your married partner are unique and are created by God to enjoy sex within marriage as a fulfilment of what God made you for. There is no reason or need for your to look to porn for an answer or for a sexual release. If your marriage sex is in trouble, seek out a counselor and receive help for the same instead of resorting to porn.

Most people know porn is harmful. As a previous porn addict I did too. What I didn’t know was how to get out of it. Of course there were many tools and tips to help come out of it. But the greatest one of them all for me has been – spending time with Jesus, and knowing who He really is. That’s what worked for me, and I pray that it will help you too.

If you have the will power to rise above the ordinary and fight this demon by it’s horns, here’s a scripture portion for you to mull and pray over as you ask God to help you overcome any roots or cause of pornography in your mind. Read it over and over again till it makes sense, and spend time confessing and praying this over yourself and over your friends or mentees, whoever is in need of a breakthrough from pornographic addition.

John 8:31, 32, 36
Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings.
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.”
