I was pleasantly surprised recently with the response I got from a close friend when I asked him how his work was. He said he enjoyed his work so much that he couldn’t wait to get back to work on Monday mornings.

christian in the corporate

That set me thinking on how few Christians I have seen in my life who have been satisfied with their work or career, to such an extent that they look forward to getting back to work on Monday mornings.

This morning as I was reading God’s word, I realized that this should be the ideal response of every corporate or non-corporate employee towards their work and their superiors that they work under, irrespective of whether you like the job profile. Please read this text carefully.

Ephesians 6:5-8 MSG

Servants, respectfully obey your earthly masters but always with an eye to obeying the real master, Christ. Don’t just do what you have to do to get by, but work heartily, as Christ’s servants doing what God wants you to do. And work with a smile on your face, always keeping in mind that no matter who happens to be giving the orders, you’re really serving God. Good work will get you good pay from the Master, regardless of whether you are slave or free.

Here are a few pointers from the above text:

  • Respect & obey your employee under all circumstances, except when you have to have break your commitment to God.
  • God regards your service to your company as your service to the Kingdom of God.
  • Work with all your heart, not just with your head or only for the money.
  • Irrespective of whether you get recognized or promoted by your company for the work you do, God will surely reward and repay you for your work.
  • You can surely be ambitious, but it’s not right to murmur about where God has placed you at the moment. It’s ok to aim high but never let it come in the way of your contentment.

The text after that also has instructions on how to deal with those working under you.

Ephesians 6:9 MSG

Masters, it’s the same with you. No abuse, please, and no threats. You and your servants are both under the same Master in heaven. He makes no distinction between you and them.

  • Respect and honor the ones who are under you, and never take them for granted.
  • Everybody makes mistakes, and abusing, threatening, screaming or shouting at them is never the way out of the same.
  • God is not partial, hence we shouldn’t be partial either.
  • Appreciate and reward the hard work of those working under you.
  • Disciplinary actions might be necessary in a corporate world, but do not forget to show mercy.

Please remember that God has placed you wherever you are with a reason and a purpose. Think of how God used the servant girl working in Naman’s house, how He used Joseph in the Pothipar’s house, in the Prison and in the Palace, or how He used Daniel in the palace through the reign of so many monarchs. If God could do that in the past, He can do it in the present as well.

The church of today is filled with so many lives and stories of people being used by God in the corporate and the institutions where they are placed. It all begins with your commitment to honor and obey the principles in God’s Word on how to conduct yourself at your work.

What are the challenges that you face when at work? How do you deal with them? Would you like to share a testimony of how God used you at your work place? We look forward to reading your comments.