I know a young man by the name Stephen from Bangalore, who was so moved by the cause of homeless children that he started a children’s home even when he didn’t have any stable income, or even a spouse to help him with the chores. He went about with his ministry of taking home children from all walks of life, feeding them, training them, educating them and nurturing them in God’s love. Today, he is married and has a child of his own, but his passion to shelter and educate
homeless children is still the same!


How often do we actually walk past hungry, naked and homeless children on the roads without it raising any sense of emotions or alarm in our heart, or we just erase the guilt by just giving them some sympathy money? Could it because our hearts have become numb to the pain and suffering in the world around us or is it cause our love has grown cold?

When I see people like Stephen, all I can see is the image of a loving Heavenly Father who is keen on bringing home the lost and the broken, to feed them, nurture them and nourish them. The real question over here is not if you are willing to help or support children, it is whether you carry the same heart as your Father in Heaven.

You do not have to be married or be a father yourself, to know or carry the Heavenly Father’s heart. You will develop the heart of the Father when you walk long enough with Him. As you continue to grow into the image and stature of Christ Jesus, you would learn to give and to love unconditionally like Jesus did.

Can you inspect your relationship with the people around you in the context of your heavenly call and find out in what aspect is God leading you to be a father? Is He requiring of you to be a shelter to the homeless? Is He leading you to be a provider for the poor? Is He leading you to be a shepherd to the lost sheep? What would it be that God is requiring of you to be able to reflect the Father’s image?

James 1:27 (KJV)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

I want to pray for each if you who is reading this post, I am praying that the heart of the Heavenly Father will be revealed to you, and that revelation will grip your heart to the extent that your life would begin to reflect His heart, in Jesus’ name!

As a ministry we desire to start a feeding project for under privileged children, if you would like to partner with us, please to us at [email protected]