“My lover is mine, and I am His. Let me see your face, let me hear your voice. For your voice is soothing and your face is ravishing” (Songs of Songs 2:10-14 MSG)
It’s such a beautiful statement that proclaims of possession, selflessness without any benefits, and obsession about you alone. It sounds unreal, that a God can love His creation so much, that He sees more than just His handiwork! He sees you as a son/daughter, a beauty that is so unique to Him that He goes crazy over you.
One might think, how can a lover be amazing, passionate & incredible? Hasn’t there to be some flaw to this whole intimacy with God? Shouldn’t He be only worshipped as a God, and nothing more than that?
I have often mentioned to my friends to always search for intimate relationship; Jesus is more beautiful and extraordinary than what the world can provide. Even demons can’t stand when they know to Whom you belong (Baker, 2010)! He knows how to love you, He will give you His undivided attention, and He will always, always be there to hear you out, will always stand by when the world turns on you and when relationships don’t work out.
My encounter with this Lover is beyond words of description. If I’d to sum up in just a single word, He is ‘everything!’ that I need and want, a statement that I can make without hesitance. Though I’m inexperienced in the world’s definition of a lover, I know my experience with HIM is a sweeter amour than anything I can imagine. Each moment, He surprises me with His embrace, His kisses and His jealous and possessive love. It has been a mystery every time I am with Him.
You would think me a fool, but unless you let yourself fall into that love, you would never know. My life is surrendered to Him; it’s His to behold and cherish, His to pour more love without holding back, His to surprise and embrace. He treats me with a complete passion that is indescribable, but an experience of Him every moment is my addiction. I have become a junkie for His love, for HIM, “Once His desire gets inside of you, something happens, and your heart is set aflame.” (Banova, 2010)
“My lover speaks and says to me, “Arise, my friend, my beautiful one, and come!” (Songs of Songs 2:10)
Loving as He can be, He is beyond any romantics that I have seen. As cheesy as it may sound, being with Him is all I want to do, cuddle in closer to His embrace, smell His fragrance so that it will linger on me a while. He can capture my heart with just one look into His eyes and His gentle words of love draws me to be at His side always. If I could give Him my ultimate worship, it would still not be enough to what He has done for me.
“I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not, nor awake my love, till he please.” (Songs of Songs 2:7)