Over the last few weeks and months, I have been asked a lot of questions about church and our relationship with the church. Here are a few of them. I hope they help you as well. If you have a question of your own, please feel free to leave it in the comments below and we will get back to you ASAP! Are you gonna be in Bangalore anytime soon, we invite you to come and be part of our young and new church there. For details Click Here
1. Do I have to go to church every week?
Well, the New Testament church met together for prayer every day of the week. It says they met daily (Acts 2:46). How much more should we follow the same? I understand that it is impractical for us to meet every day. Hence, shouldn’t we make it a part of our lifestyle to have fellowship with God’s people at least once in a week? Yes, it is essential for us to go to church every week.
2. What to do I do if I am working on Sundays?
The primary purpose of church is to have fellowship with other believers. It is for encouragement and edification. Some professions and academic courses do not allow a fixed off on Sundays. If you face the same problem, you can be part of a mid-week house church or a prayer group. The important thing is the fellowship, not the day of the week. (Write to us if you are looking for a church or a prayer group)
3. How do I select a church?
There are some churches that excel in worship, others which excel in the teaching of the word, yet others that excel in evangelistic ventures. To be honest, you’d very rarely find a balanced and an ideal church. However, these are the few basic things you should look for in a church. It should:
love and honor God.
give appropriate importance to the Word during its services.
believe in the person of the Holy Spirit and consequently preach and practice the fruits and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
host believers who dwell in love and unity, in-spite of difference in opinion.
be where missions and evangelism beyond the church are also encouraged!
4. Can I change my church?
Find out what is going wrong or is missing in your church and work towards restoring it (till the people opposing it kick you out of the church). That is my personal opinion. You can make your decisions based on the seriousness of the situation and also on your level of acceptance there. If your cause for leaving the church are personal offences, then it is a complete no! More
5. Do I have to remain committed to one church?
You don’t have to, but it is best that you do. If you are not committed there, you will not be accountable to them. There is only one church that exists on this planet and that is the church that Jesus is building. Hence it is not wrong of you to be going to different congregations. However, if you are not committed and grounded in one place, the devil will take advantage of your lack of accountability.
6. How can I help my church?
In more ways than one! Ask the Holy Spirit to endow you with spiritual gifts and abilities from 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Romans 12:3-8, so you can be efficient and complete in your service within the church. You can also invite your family, friends and colleagues to your church, love other believers and your pastor with all your heart, and set apart your time, money and other resources to meet all practical and logistic requirements that need to be met within your church.
7. Can I minister outside my home church?
Absolutely! Just make sure that your ministry within your church is not affected by or ignored due to it. If you are directly accountable to the pastor or elders in your church make sure you have also informed them about the same, so that they can uphold you in prayers as well.
8. How do I avoid church politics?
Honestly speaking, I don’t know the answer to this question, but it very essential that we avoid getting into any kind of church politics. One key could possibly be to keep our hearts pure, and base our foundation on the Bible more than on the reports of church pastors and believers. Be impartial and love everyone equally, avoid slandering and gossiping, and it will be just fine.
9. Can I start a church? If yes, how?
Definitely, yes! However, unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. You have to make sure that Christ Jesus, the chief builder and craftsman, is with you; it is very essential to be led by God in every step of the way in the process of planting and building up a church. Follow the book of Acts and the Epistles closely to note the way the first century church functioned. Follow the Word over every popular church trends. More
10. What traditions of the church should I uphold?
None of them, except the baptism in water or taking part in the Lord’s table. There will be many other systems, probably of marriage, burial, house warming, child dedication, modesty in dressing, ornaments, hairstyles etc which can be altered and done in your own way as long as you do it in complete holiness, in decency and out of faith rather than rebellion.
Blessed by the answers to the questions with the new church plant. May God bless the new church plant in Bangalore. Would like to hear more on the church plant, how God is working, as God helps you to build His kingdom.
Thank you Juliet, will surely keep you updated. God bless!