Dear Friends,

I had an amazing time last week praying and ministering alongside a group of passionate youngsters from around the thane suburbs in Mumbai. It was an amazing time. God has been teaching me this one thing over the past month, which I shared with them in the meeting. And I believe that will be my greatest passion throughout 2011. Let me share.

If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will petition the Father, and He will give you another Comforter, that He may remain with you to the age. – JESUS, (John 14:15,16)

It was when I was praying for a friend that I saw a vision of water flowing and God told me to tell her that her entire life will be an overflow, I believe that’s how all of our lives should be too. Jesus in the final physical days along with the disciples told them “If you love me, you will be keep my commandments” Jesus never wanted to weigh them down with a new set of rules and regulations. Jesus expected that everything the disciples would do, should be as a expression and overflow of their love for God and a consistent personal relationship with Him. That is the prayer that’s been on my heart too for a couple of weeks. If it is not an overflow, then it is self generated, hypocritical and unreal. Something that does impress people most times but always fails to impress the heart of God.

The same is what Jesus asked Peter. Do you love me? When Peter answered affirmative Jesus said, “Feed my sheep” How often does our heart and mind get so focussed on feeding his sheep that we don’t really care about loving Him. All our lives, our families, our ministries/careers should be just an overflow from that love that you share with the triune God. Can you make that your personal prayer for the year of 2011? “Lord, let every thing that people can see in my life just be an overflow of my personal relationship with you in the secret place”

Here is a promise from Jesus, He said in John 14:16, I will ask the Father to give you another helper, the Holy Spirit. That is a promise for them that are ready to live overflowing lives. The reason many a times you get tired and at times faint is because you lack the unction of the Holy Spirit. I pray that you will start this year with a fresh anointing, unction and renewed strength from God. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is for everyone, it is free of cost! But if you need an anointing and an unction, you need to pay a price, and the price is that you get rid of all hypocrisy and let your life only be an overflow.

I have a desire to be blogging on a weekly basis throughout this new year. But I have taken a decision, that just because there is a need, I will not blog / preach / counsel / minister, when there is no overflow in my personal relationship with God!

Wishing you an overflowing, beautiful and blessed new year of 2011

Love and prayers,
