Psalm 25:8-9 AMP
[8] Good and upright is the Lord; therefore will He instruct sinners in His way. [9] He leads the humble in what is right, and the humble He teaches His way.
I have been so blown away by the revelation from these verses that of late, I have been tweeting it, ‘facebooking’ it, and even ‘instagramming’ it. And I finally decided to blog it out too.
These are the few thoughts that I have been dwelling upon based on the above scriptures. I pray that they be blessing to you as well.
God is Good and Upright!
How often have I come across Christians who don’t believe this. It is such a saddening thing to know this through the actions and reactions of believers.
To make you and me to question God’s goodness is the ultimate aim of the devil and His kingdom.
We have to believe this fact as a basic truth of life. No circumstance and situation of your life should be able to make you think twice on that front. God is good and He is always right and true.
John 10:10 AMP
“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” – Jesus
His Way is Better Than Ours!
Many a times, we lose sight of this fact. We believe that God is good, but find it difficult to believe that His ways are better. We think, if only a certain ‘this’ hadn’t happened or if ‘this’ could have been different, it would have been better.
What we fail to understand is that only God knows the last day of our lives. His ways are at any time and day better than ours. God is not only interested in our destination, but the journey we take to reach that destination! Trust His ways at all times. That will make life much easier than you’d imagined it to be.
Proverbs 16:2 AMP
All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirits (the thoughts and intents of the heart).
It’s His Job to See You Through!
Notice the repeated emphasis in Psalm 25:8,9 on “He instructs, He leads, He teaches.” Many a times in Christian circles the vocabulary used reflects a completely different phenomenon. It’s all about how I did something for God and how I prayed or other such frivolous stuff. Trust me, all our acts of goodness and righteousness are of no value in God’s eyes.
Instead, if we would change the focus from what we can do, to what He is able to do, our lives will be so totally different. Can I live a holy life? No way!
Can He lead me in the paths of righteousness? Of course yes!
Every limitation in your life will be an opportune area of greatness to be revealed when you depend on God to see you through!
Jude 1:24 NLT
Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into His glorious presence without a single fault.
It’s Your Job to be Humble and to Surrender!
There is a sect of Christians who overemphasise the previous point to make believe that we can continue in our rebellious ways while God tries to work on our lives. While it is true that God’s love and grace for your life do not depend on your response to them, it is also true that God will not work in your life without you surrendering to Him.
And without doubt at all times it is our pride, selfish desires and ambitions that hold us back from a humble surrender to God.
James 4:6 ESV
[6] But He gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
Which of these four principles do you need the most in your life right now? Is it the firm faith in God’s goodness or the total trust in His ways? Is it acknowledging that your life is all about Him or is it surrendering completely to Him?