What better way to start this post than to quote this famous verse from a letter of Apostle Paul. “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.” (1 Co 15:14) All of Christianity hangs on the true, proven and evidential fact that Jesus Christ is not dead, but alive. And that gives me the only reason for my blogging, my preaching, my living, my relationships! As the song goes, “my life is worth the living Just Because HE LIVES”
Yes, Jesus is alive! I could imagine the fear, the anxiety and the excitement of the two Marys who went to see Jesus body, when the angel told them; “He is not here, He has risen” (Matt 28:6) And as He had promised He has sent His Spirit upon us, to keep us reminded about the same! (John 14:16-17)
The Holy Spirit teaches us all things and brings to remembrance everything Jesus said. (John 14:26) The Spirit breathes life into the written and spoken Word of God and speaks loud and clear into our hearts. (2 Tim 3:16, Heb 4:12) This demands that we start to respond to Jesus and His word, (the Scriptures) every single day of our lives. Confessing that he is alive demands that we live a life in obedience to Him.
Peter slid back into his old business of fishing before the resurrected Jesus could apprehend him and commission him with a heavenly responsibility. I wish we would be that generation who will not expect God to dance to our tunes. (Matt 11:16-17) Instead, we will rise up every morning to hear the heaven’s melody, played into your ears by the Holy Spirit. And that we will dance to his tunes all through the day and through our lives!