I write this post basically for those of us in the ministry. What is the motivation for your ministry? What is the reason you are involved in God’s business? At times, we get so carried away with the work, ministry or the so called calling that we forget to be motivated by and for the right reasons!
I’ve heard this story about this pastor who wanted to help in building this church building, and he took up the duty of cutting out wooden planks. He was supposed to cut the planks 6 foot long. The first time he measures the wood with the measuring tape and cuts off the plank. The next time he uses the wooden plank that he had already prepared to measure and cut the wood. And each time he keeps using the wood he cut the last time to measure the next one. And by the time he’s done, he realizes that all the wooden planks are of differing sizes and the reason being that he did not use the original measurement tape every time he cut the wood.
How often the same happens with us? We find our motivation in the generation or the leaders previous to us and become people that looks nowhere close to the original standard; i.e the life and the ministry of Jesus! I pray that you will derive your motivation each day from Jesus’ life and ministry alone! I am not against spiritual mentoring, accountability or partnership with others around us. But key motivation to a minister’s heart should always be the life and example of Jesus! Apostle Paul said “Imitate me, as I imitate Christ” (1 Cor 11:1) The extent for you to follow or be motivated by a leader is only till the place where he/she is following Jesus’ lifestyle!
This is not so that you could critical about other leaders but just so that you could get your measurement right. We all have a great tendency to look in to others lives and find out qualities that don’t go along with Jesus! But how often do we excuse ourselves with some justification that doesn’t make sense in Kingdom of God! Here is what i could suggest that you could do as a minister to imitate Jesus lifestyle:
- Study the Gospels regularly as part of your ministry motivation
- Underline every emotion, attitude, behavior or words of Jesus, that you won’t be doing or saying naturally in that same situation.
- Take it to God in prayer, one at a time, asking for grace, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
- Live it out on an everyday basis, if required carry notes to remind you through the day!
At the end of the day when you stand before God, He will not compare you with your parent, pastor, teacher or boss! He will only compare you with His son! To be transformed into the likeness of Jesus is our full time calling! So let us allow God to complete his work in us even as we strive to perfection, into becoming like Jesus
nice pastor:)
Thanks for sharing John!!!