At a secret shoot with a film actor; the person happened to see the screensaver on my phone. It was a picture of my 3 year old daughter Khayla. This obviously led to a whole long discussion on Khy. Sharing on the pictures on my phone and a whole lot of stories. At the end of some 20 minutes; my actor friend was a graduate in “Khylogy”!!
This led me to a further thought ‘What makes Khy so special to me?’ Is it her achievements? Her accomplishments? Is it her grades in school? Absolutely Not!! I see Khayla through the eyes of a Father. Everything Khy does is clothed in beauty and wonder because she is my daughter. Others may achieve more; but what Khy does, grabs my attention.
When God looks at us, He looks at us through the eyes of a Father. Everything I do including my faltering steps, brings a smile on His face. Others may do things better; but I am the screensaver on God’s “blackberry”!!
The bible reveals a new characteristic of God everytime a new name is revealed. Through the ages; he revealed Himself in new names. He revealed Himself as Jehovah Rophi, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Tsikednu. But Jesus revealed a whole new name of this Jehovah.
In Matt 6:9, he said: when you pray, pray “Our Father”!!
The world had never heard this before. The world knew God as an idol. Worship was equated to blood sacrifice; poojas, pilgrimages, etc. But Jesus said, “Our Father” Jesus bought a new relationship between God and mankind!!
The angels with all their proximity and likeness to God still don’t share a “Father – Son” relationship with Him. But you & I; with all our imperfections and limitations make it to that relationship. We make it to His screensaver!!
Jesus came to build and bridge that relationship between God and mankind. He promised us in John 14:18, “I will not leave you as orphans”. I have come to reestablish your relationship with the Father. The “prodigal son” is not a story of the prodigal son in solidarity. It is also the story of the waiting Father.
The Father is waiting. It’s time we turn back and acknowledge the love, honor due to him!
Please leave your thoughts below!
i must say this is one of the best articles ever …super absolutely..
loved it
Wow, Praise God!
Glad to hear it John, Bless you.
Beautiful 🙂 Its means alott when v realise the importance of this. a free gift…even wen v dont desrve it..v have the RIGHT to call HIM ABBA FATHER !!
Abba Father!! Amen
the points which struck me::
1- Everything Khy does is “”””clothed in beauty and wonder”””” because she is my daughter.
God alwz sees ONLY the beauty NOT the other part! wow!
2 – The world knew God as an idol – how true is this!!!
3- It is also the story of the “””waiting Father””””. — ohhh how we forget this!!!!
Very very very deep is HIS love!!!!!! cudnt..cant..and can never measure !!
Awesome …God’s deep affection and love is felt in each line ..
Awesomeness…God’s love is deeper…
Awesome 🙂
So precious to be called the daughter of the King of Majesty…It is He who made the peaks of the Himalayas…It is He who carved the Grand Canyon…who painted the sky as a canvass for the stars…who calls each star by name…who shows the dawn it’s place…sends lightning bolts on it’s way…who made the Pleiades and the Orion…A God so mighty, that the whole universe cannot contain Him…He is my Father. He can live anywhere in the universe, yet He chooses to live in my heart. He sends me flowers every spring, and showers of rain every monsoon…He listens to every cry of my heart and wipes every tear from my eye. When I am weak He carries me on His shoulders…This is my Father…:)..♥
awesome!!! 🙂
Amen, Elina! Glad to know the post blessed you!
Wow, Praise God Nibin
Yes Preethi, It is always!! God is Love!
Praise God!
Amen Jo!! See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God (1 John 3:1)
Thanks for sharing, God bless
love the line about the story of the prodigal son and the waiting father 🙂 Thank u Subi! 🙂
Yes, its so true!!
Brilliant post Subi 🙂 Im waiting for my guest post 😉
Priji thanks for sharing ..
Beautiful ! ! ! Thankyou for sharing bro.
Welcome Hari!!
Welcome Nithin
I absolutely loved this. This brought tears to my eyes, much needed words at this time in my life.
Wow! Glad to hear that Jherrel. God’s timings!!!!
Great post bro so blessed reading this. Khayla is God’s handmaiden. – Cleo
Loved it much…Very True and beautifully described!!
🙂 amen
True! Me loved it a lot.
Thanks for the lovely post.
You’re welcome!
Awesome! This is the message of the gospel-SONSHIP! Lovely berth of fresh air:)
Amen! It is a really refreshing read…
Absolutely scintillating. A wonderful way to describe the relationship between a Father and us.