The power is where it’s always been. The word is alive. Jesus is still alive!
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God has always used the written WORD and its timely, contextual interpretation and practical applications to perpetually push His people into a closer walk with Him and to drive their hearts into serving & loving people with the same passion. And that’s the heart behind the posts and content on this blog. Please feel free to subscribe to them to receive them in your inbox. God bless, Enjoy!

I Believe in Jesus, Can I Be Possessed by Demons?

I Believe in Jesus, Can I Be Possessed by Demons?

The phenomenon of supernatural is quite intriguing. For some, it’s a realm that is tangible, for some it’s abstract, for some it’s merely psychiatric. However, there are far too many incidents that occur around the world, that it’s hard to brush it aside plainly, or discard the theory as tomfoolery. Read on.

Four Keys to Become Active in Your Waiting

Four Keys to Become Active in Your Waiting

Jesus commanded the disciples to wait on God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit before stepping out into doing any sort of ministry. In fact, He exemplified it in His lifestyle by regularly waiting on God through extended times of prayer in the nights and early mornings.

How to Rebuild Trust in Your Marriage?

How to Rebuild Trust in Your Marriage?

Marriage is THE most beautiful of all human relationships that ever exists. The beauty of marriage is it's exclusiveness. You cannot share the love you have for your spouse with anyone else in the whole world. That, unfortunately, is also the primary reason why...

Revival – My Inspiration for Radical Giving

Revival – My Inspiration for Radical Giving

Giving financially into the kingdom of God through tithes, offering and various other ways, has been some of the most taught (sometimes even wrongly taught) doctrines in the church today. At the end of this post, we would like to hear your thoughts, experiences and testimonies in the area of giving.

5 Questions Atheists (& Non-theists) Often Ask

5 Questions Atheists (& Non-theists) Often Ask

'If I had answers to all the questions I have, i wouldn’t wait a minute to embrace christianity', said a friend once. I love people, whether they are christians or not, and I enjoy getting into honest and loving conversations with people of different religious and...

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