I Believe in Jesus, Can I Be Possessed by Demons?
The phenomenon of supernatural is quite intriguing. For some, it’s a realm that is tangible, for some it’s abstract, for some it’s merely psychiatric. However, there are far too many incidents that occur around the world, that it’s hard to brush it aside plainly, or discard the theory as tomfoolery. Read on.
Four Keys to Become Active in Your Waiting
Jesus commanded the disciples to wait on God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit before stepping out into doing any sort of ministry. In fact, He exemplified it in His lifestyle by regularly waiting on God through extended times of prayer in the nights and early mornings.
5 Signs of a Lukewarm Spirit
The previous night during House Church, we were studying Matthew 25 that describes the story of the ten bridesmaids. This story spoke volumes to me! Read more.
How to Rebuild Trust in Your Marriage?
Marriage is THE most beautiful of all human relationships that ever exists. The beauty of marriage is it's exclusiveness. You cannot share the love you have for your spouse with anyone else in the whole world. That, unfortunately, is also the primary reason why...
The Most Unappreciated Ministry in the Church – Daisy Samuel
Daisy Samuel is wife to Eben Samuel and mom to Shekinah. Pastor Eben and Daisy Samuel are pastors at Tabernacle of Prayer under the leadership of Pastor Subi and Beena Samuel Ministries these days are widely growing, whether it is the ministry of teaching or preaching...
Prison Ministry: The Necessity, and the Challenges
Over the last few weeks, I came across people who, in layman terms, were ex-convicts, who had been in the prison for different reasons and had suffered brutality at the hands of the Indian Judiciary system. Shocking still, almost all of them had been unjustly or...
Revival – My Inspiration for Radical Giving
Giving financially into the kingdom of God through tithes, offering and various other ways, has been some of the most taught (sometimes even wrongly taught) doctrines in the church today. At the end of this post, we would like to hear your thoughts, experiences and testimonies in the area of giving.
5 Important Principles I Want My Worship Leaders to Adopt
From the time I returned from Canada, there has been a lot of restructuring and reorganising in our church leadership and work culture based on the inspiration received from Pastor Shyju and Emmanuel Church at Montreal, and I have been absolutely enjoying the...
5 Questions Atheists (& Non-theists) Often Ask
'If I had answers to all the questions I have, i wouldn’t wait a minute to embrace christianity', said a friend once. I love people, whether they are christians or not, and I enjoy getting into honest and loving conversations with people of different religious and...
Challenges To Ministering in Rural Setups
Many a times, we who are living in the cities are not aware of the challenges that missionaries face out there in these difficult setups. It causes us to be complacent and take the blessings we have for granted.
How to Identify a Man With Integrity
Finding people who have a wholesome and dependable character is such a difficult thing to do in the days we are living in now. Here are five things which you need to look for in the people around you, and more importantly in yourself too.
5 Reasons Why You Should Be In Constant Worship
We often live in the assumption that worshipping God is meant for Sunday services, and that too the first half of it, while the remaining time of the week is ours to spend on what we like and enjoy. Read on.