The power is where it’s always been. The word is alive. Jesus is still alive!
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God has always used the written WORD and its timely, contextual interpretation and practical applications to perpetually push His people into a closer walk with Him and to drive their hearts into serving & loving people with the same passion. And that’s the heart behind the posts and content on this blog. Please feel free to subscribe to them to receive them in your inbox. God bless, Enjoy!

The Wannabe Great Father

The Wannabe Great Father

I'm a wannabe great father! I have been a father for only the past seven months now, but I desire to excel in this calling. I see my calling to be a father to Zahal of more priority than being a pastor to my church, among many other. This pursuit to be a great father...

A Christian Response To ‘Rape’

A Christian Response To ‘Rape’

I have been heart broken every time I read of a news about sexual assault of any kind on women. The latest two stories I read of was a rape of 6 year old girl by her school teacher in Bangalore, and another 7 year old girl gang-raped in West Bengal. These are just two...

Inheriting Goodness

Inheriting Goodness

As long as we are spending time in knowing God, learning from him and growing continually into him, we will never lack goodness in our lives. Children, however sweet they are, have a…

The Scent of Worship

The Scent of Worship

The story of Mary breaking a jar of perfume and anointing Jesus at Bethany in John 12:3, is as much a cliché to many as much as it is enthralling! It’s akin to those tight lipped society aunties who shake their heads disapprovingly, looking…

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