The power is where it’s always been. The word is alive. Jesus is still alive!
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God has always used the written WORD and its timely, contextual interpretation and practical applications to perpetually push His people into a closer walk with Him and to drive their hearts into serving & loving people with the same passion. And that’s the heart behind the posts and content on this blog. Please feel free to subscribe to them to receive them in your inbox. God bless, Enjoy!

What Gossip Carries!

What Gossip Carries!

Now we all like to wag our fingers on a chit chatting person, condemning him/her to be a tattler, but every time we give in to the temptation of carrying news about Mr & Mrs A to Mr & Mrs B, we are indulging…

Is It OK To Date?

Is It OK To Date?

I know I’ve managed to furrow many an eyebrows with just the title! After having successfully shed the “good-boy” image to all who thought dating was a a sin but found out I actually courted for two…

Elections & Jesus

Elections & Jesus

Of late, one of my greatest desires has been to file a nomination and stand up as an independant candidate in the 2014 Indian National Elections. Of course, I wouldn’t act on my desires and…

Do You Really Have Faith?

Do You Really Have Faith?

Here’s a text from the New Testament teachings of Jesus, that I have recently been meditating and even ministering from. Please join me in understanding these three basic yet important aspects I have learnt from this text. Luke 18…

5 Rewards Of Obedience

5 Rewards Of Obedience

Just yesterday, I preached a sermon at BRC on ‘The 5 Qualities That Will Set You Up To Receive Divine Favor‘. You can watch, listen or share the sermon. One of the points in the sermon was Obedience. As I was pondering upon the same in…

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