The Christian in the Corporate
I was pleasantly surprised recently with the response I got from a close friend when I asked him how his work was. He said he enjoyed his work so much that he couldn't wait to get back to work on Monday mornings. That set me thinking on how few Christians I have seen...
A Walking Holy of Holies – (Guestpost by Kenneth Justin)
[stextbox id="pp"] Kenneth and Ishwarya are passionate lovers of God and are based out of Chennai, they travel on invitations to minister from God's word. You can connect with them on their website here. [/stextbox] I caught hold of a verse in the Bible as a...
Ambernath Ablaze – Report
This generation is born and ordained to be revival carriers! Ambernath, a small, dusty suburb on the outskirts of Mumbai, seemed quite the contrary on God’s radar as the place saw a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit, as God amazingly led us to organise the...
Should Christians Be Environment Friendly?
I hope your response to the question above would be a roaring yes! I am just returning from our latest Ablaze conference at Ambernath, which is in the central suburbs of Mumbai. And during our time there, we got invited into a lot of homes. Every home that we went...
Redefining Revival
Last year I was sharing on Revival in this church in a different city, both of which I will leave unnamed. After the service, the pastor of the church very confidently told me, "We're already experiencing revival". That excited me so much that I almost kept off my...
7 Steps To Successful Mentoring
We are well acquainted with the Great Commission that Jesus gave the disciples in Matthew 28:18-20. It was to 'go and make disciples of all nations'. Our standard of discipling, or in other words, mentoring people, then, should be the same that Jesus had already set...
For Such A Time As This
The only other book in the bible to not explicitly mention the name of God than Songs of Songs is the book of Esther. Yet, as some scholars would say about it, “Although God’s face is seen nowhere, His fingerprints appear everywhere.” The story of Esther comes across...
Report – Delhi Ablaze
It was during the Navi Mumbai Ablaze conference that God put in the heart of Pastor Priji to go back to Delhi a second time to sow the seeds of revival and prophetically declare God’s kingdom over the city. A word from Revelation 2:7, “He who has an ear, let him hear...
Slaves in the Promised Land (Guest Post by Pst. Nima Wilson)
[stextbox id="pp"] Pst. Nima Wilson is a dear friend and a coworker in Revive Nations. She ministers at Harvest Revival Center at Butterworth, Malaysia and lives with her husband Wilson Christopher and daughter Michelle Amanda. You can connect with her at...
Good and Upright is the Lord (Psalm 25:8,9)
Psalm 25:8-9 AMP [8] Good and upright is the Lord; therefore will He instruct sinners in His way. [9] He leads the humble in what is right, and the humble He teaches His way. I have been so blown away by the revelation from these verses that of late, I have been...
12 Days To Delhi Ablaze
So here we are, in another 12 days we will be having Delhi Ablaze on September 14 at Bhai Veer Market Sadan, Gole Market, New Delhi from 9am - 5pm. Here are some videos from few of those from the ministering team sharing their heart for the city of Delhi. We are very...
5 Reasons Why I Wake Up Early
I have always enjoyed being a night owl. I love hanging out with friends late into the night, going for all-night prayers, working into the wee hours of early morning till my job gets done, and many more such that I will always remain proud of. However, over the past...