Most of us have lived in different places and houses over the course of our lives. I used to live at home till I had to move to a hostel for my studies. Those of you who live out of your homes will agree with me that the joy of returning back home is just extraordinary! There is something unique about the comfort of the home, the people who are allowed into the home, and the secure feeling of being at home! I had just returned from my home in Mumbai after a week’s stay when the scripture in Exodus 25:8 hit me big on my way to church. Here, God tells Moses to ask Israel to build Him a sacred residence so that he can live among them. Caught me thinking, lemme share.


God With Us!

There is a list of things that I take with me each time I go home to be with my family, also there’s couple of things that I expect from my family when I am at home. It is the same when God desires to make His home among us. He does bring in his provisions, presence and glory! At the same time God expects us to maintain His home sacred. God desires that we will make him feel at home in our hearts and in our churches! Paul writes to the divided Church at Corinth Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? (1 Cor 3:16) We need to realize that together we, the Church is  God’s Residence, the house that He loves to inhabit!

United We Host!

None of us would want to go back home to a place filled with fights, quarrels and comparisons! Same with God, He desires that his house be a place filled with Love, Joy Peace and Hope! Forming a community today is as simple as creating a group on Facebook and inviting people to be part of it. But maintaining sacred Love and Unity among its members is something that requires the daily abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. It happens only when we behave as servants instead of leaders inside the house of God. I was wowed to hear that the Roman Catholic church has had only 3 splits in the last 2000 years. While we have one splitssss every week in the protestant church. If the protestant church claims to have the right theology and the doctrines, why aren’t we able to practice and exhibit greater levels of love and humility? When true disciples of Jesus stands up strong and united, it is a splendid testimony of the gospel message. (John 17:21)

Dignified We Welcome!

When God gave the directions to build the tabernacle in the desert he gave detailed instructions filling up to one third of the book of Exodus. If that’s how much interested God was in seeing the tabernacle in the old testament in order and being held sacred, how much more will he be concerned about having a new testament church that is genuine, that can be qualified to house His awesome presence! God desires that we will Church in a dignified and honorable way, in a way that will welcome and respect his presence. In the first century church, esp after the Annanias and Saphira incident in Acts 5, there was an awe and respect for the presence of God in the church! I pray that the same awe and respect returns to our churches and fellowships today!

Ready for Revival!

I am convinced that God is about to pour out his presence on us like never before in the history of the Church, but are we ready and prepared to host Him? Do we have a generation of people who are not bothered about the denominational differences, as much as they are captivated by the truly binding agape love? Do we have a community of people who will not take the presence of God for granted, instead learn to be in awe of it, with hearts full of worship and learn to soak and revel in it! If our answer is Yes, then God says “I’m coming home! I am coming to take my rightful place in your hearts, lives, families and churches!” Let us welcome Him with everthing within us!