If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14

God said this statement in response to a long prayer made my Solomon at the dedication of the magnificent temple he build for the glory of God. Solomon’s temple is till today the most glorious and costliest temple. It in a way represents the glory and the magnificence of the end time church. The glory that descended upon the temple represents the mighty outpouring that is about to fall upon the end time church. Priests couldn’t stand and minister. It represents the nameless and faceless generation that God is raising up in these last days who will not be interested in getting their ministering skills exhibited as much they desire the glory of God to come down! 2 Chronicles 7:14 contains some simple basic principle of seeing a revival. I am writing these series of posts dreaming and envisioning a land that is healed of all uncleanness, a generation that is lost in God and a nation that lifts and trusts in Jesus alone! Lemme share a few principles God laid in my heart over the past few days.


There are many believers all over the place who have been and still are praying for a revival. However, we need to graduate from persons to people, from individuals to congregation. Prayer is mighty effective in the context of two or more people on earth agreeing on one particular thing and asking it from the Father in the name of Jesus. God is calling for greater levels of unity and breaking of all dividing walls when we meet for prayer in these last days. I am glad, God didn’t recommend a language, time or a place of prayer for the New Testament Church. I pray that you will start to rally, school students, college and university students, professionals, philosophers, housewives, families, churches, denominations…. to rise up to agree with each other (inspite of the differences) and start to pray! Healing rain is coming soon! I can feel it deep down till my bones, I pray that you will too!


What a privilege we have to see our creator King look upon us saying “My People”! Wow, these are the days that God is calling people into the inner chambers of the King. Calling us his own, wanting a deeper and meaningful, fulfilling relationship with us. There is one thing that I am witnessing every where I am travelling. Christian young people are falling in love with Jesus all over again. They don’t pray because they need God to bless them. They pray because they love God and they love the people around them. How eagerly I am looking forward for a generation who will be so close to the heart of God, that they will start to talk like God, they will start to feel like God, they will start to live like Jesus!! When you see that happening remember that we are just nearing a mighty revival about to hit our land with Glory and Power!


There are some people that God will raise up all over the place with a specific calling of raising up prayer warriors and intercessors. If you have the same burden over your life I pray that you will take it up with much sense of responsibility. As a matter of fact, God does not call anyone and everyone for this purpose. Prayer is the most important weapon in the Church’s armory. Hence God appoints only people who are the closest and the most trustworthy for this calling and reason. So if you have a burden or passion for the same, ask the Lord if that is what you are supposed to do. If He says yes, run towards it with all that is in you; instead of running away from it like most Jonahs do.


Another thing is that the only brand this praying generation will build up is the name of Jesus! The name of the triune King of kings. I pray that God will just burn this in to each of our hearts, that we are His people Called by His name! So let us not be building our names, kingdoms, denominations, ministries, etc. Do whatever you want to do in your crusade, meetings and conference! But when you meet for prayer, please let us not fly any other banners other than the name of Jesus!

I will continue to write on 2 Chro 7:14. Next post is scheduled on the second sunday of next month. To be reminded, sign up with your email id in the email subscription box. God bless you.