Worship has been an essential part of every revival that has ever hit in the history of the church. Revival is basically when people are awakened to the reality and the greatness of God. And such a revelation of God always emulates genuine worship.
However crazy undignified, unconditional and unlimited worship can also be the cause to the birth and spread a mighty move of God. Your worship can pull heavens down into your family, church, city and nation. And such worship is indeed prophetic in nature because of the work in accomplishes in the spiritual realm.
The Essence:
The essence of prophetic worship is that it is not just music and songs being played into an empty atmosphere. It is a Spirit led time of worship that creates a God atmosphere where He moves, speaks, hears, heals and ministers to His people. If you are a worship leader, do not be satisfied with a customized list of songs and scriptures. Allow the Holy Spirit to permeate into your worship and your congregation, He does a great Jesus job.
The Warfare:
Prophetic worship prepares the ground for a breakthrough. The bible says when the priests and the levites started singing and praising God ahead of Jehoshapat’s army, there was a massive confusion in the enemy’s camp. Such is the result of the power of God released at your worship.
Whenever you move into a new place or work or home, or when you’re in an adverse circumstance can you start worshipping in the place? Can you let worship precede all your human efforts? In doing so, you will be confuse the plans and works of the enemy over that place and over your life!
The Declaration:
God gave a very unique battle plan to Gideon. He allowed only 300 men into the battle but with earthern pot and fire torches instead of swords and spears. They were to wait for the sign and break earthern pot and shine the fire torches inside them and shout “For the Lord and for Gideon”
When they declared what the Lord said, it happened likewise! Prophetic declarations are made by constantly listening to what the Spirit is saying and declaring it into the atmosphere for the glory of God and for God to vindicate the Gideons of today!
The Flames:
Our worship is incomplete till Holy flames descend from heaven on the sacrifice, which in this case are our lives themselves. Because Our God is the God who answers by fire. Elijah’s worship was accepted in heaven with descent of fire from heaven.
Same is the case with our worship today, do not be satisfied till you are totally consumed with the fire of heaven. Do not be satisfied before you are baptised in fire as John the Baptist prophesied about the followers of Jesus! Do not be satisfied till the flames rises up out of your life and causes the light and fragrance of Jesus to spread and impact through you.
How easy is it for you to be discouraged and to loose out on your attitude of worship? Are you listening to what the Spirit is saying to the churches? Do you have the fire of God burning within you?
Worship has become an integral part of my life for the past one year…worship draws us close to the heart of God!!!!! Wonderful post Pastor!!!!!
Amen, I completely agree! As long as remain worshippers, our hearts remained tuned to the heart of God! Thank you Kenneth!
Brilliant post!!! just has the wow factor. I love that – worship is incomplete till Holy flames descend on the sacrifice. Our God truly answers by fire from heaven when His people call upon Him.
May we all make our lives as worship unto Him, not just on Sundays in corporate worship, but at home, in our offices while traveling and all the time.
Amen, may we be worshippers in and during every aspect of our lives! Thank you Bernadine!
Wow. Awesome bro. U brought a greater Light on few things which i knew. Im learning.
Am glad to know Judson, thank you for sharing, God bless you!
Lovely message brother, Praise Lord.