After three very powerful Ablaze conferences, with great excitement we are headed to Delhi for the fourth Ablaze conference.
There is nothing that excites me more than the thought of a generation that is moved, filled and continually led by the Holy Spirit! And that is the vision for Ablaze, a daughter ministry of Shyju Mathew Ministries. Revival for nations is not just a desire but a call to our generation.
Mark your calendars, it’s September 14, 2013, A one day conference of soaking and pursuing God! We’ll be sending the full details shortly.
Joining along with me are mighty servants of God, Evangelist Hari Rao, Pastor Subi Samuel and Pastor Cleophas David. It excites me to have them ministering in this conference mostly because I know that they are people who constantly abide in God and host God everywhere they minister.
I am also pumped in my spirit for a few more reasons!
– Delhi is the capital of India, no better place to envision a nationwide revival.
– There is already a lot of strong Christian movements and organisations ploughing the ground in Delhi and hence the harvest is ready.
– 2014 is going to be the election year in the central government, and hence it a great opportunity to pray for God’s sovereign hand to reign over the elections.
– Immorality, abuse and addictions are on the rise more than ever before in Delhi. As the promise goes, where sin abounds, grace abounds much more! We are expecting the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to save His people.
– These are the end days and the promise of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit stands true even for the city of Delhi, that we are commissioned to go to.
How can you be a part?
Here are a few ways:
1. Pray Earnestly:
If there is one thing that can bring about a genuine, all surpassing move of God, that can touch and transform cities and nations together, it is the humble, consistent and fervent prayers of the saints! Can we blanket the city of Delhi in prayer for the next 7 months?
Make a conscious effort to set an alarm or keep a reminder and pray for the city of Delhi. Revival does not happen at an event or a conference, it happens in the spiritual atmosphere over the city. Would you pray keeping Delhi in mind for atleast five minutes a day?
2. Give Generously:
The budget for the conference is ₹1,50,000. Most of the people currently involved are volunteers, and are students, youngsters and ministers. We really need the church inside and outside Delhi to stand with the vision of seeing this conference through. Please know that when you sow into another city, ministry or nation for their revival, your ministry, city and nation will reap the same revival that they experience.
In fact, I am so glad to mention here that the Team from Navi Mumbai Ablaze, have sowed a seed of ₹ 35,000 into the organising of Delhi Ablaze. May God bless and honour every involved soul with Revival!
May I invite you also to sow generously? As the Lord leads you, please feel free to write to us and inform your commitments. No contribution is insignificant. God loves a cheerful giver.
3. Participate Enthusiastically:
The conference is only for one day. So even if you are not based in Delhi and if it would be practical, why don’t you join us in person in Delhi on September 14? The advantage of this announcement made 7 months in advance is to help you plan for and work your schedule towards it. Come and stand with the church in Delhi to ask for and receive a downpour of the Holy Spirit!
Do join us, and please also confirm your participation here!
4. Share Unashamedly:
Do you use Facebook or Twitter or any other social networking sites? Would you take a moment to help us by sharing this post to as many as possible? Do you have family, friends or relatives in Delhi? Call them up right now and share the heart of this vision with them! Let’s see this through for the glory of God!
The End Result that we desire to see is not another conference, nor another prayer meeting, but a revival that will go beyond one ministry, one church or one minister! It’s about having a revival that will enter the market place and the government offices, a revival that will resound in the colleges and the schools, a revival that will penetrate every area of the society!
Praying, believing and dreaming for a revival in Delhi, India!
Thanks for the honor of serving this generation together!
Can’t wait to witness what God has in store at Delhi Ablaze!