A Year of Supernatural ABUNDANCE

Here are some key lessons God is declaring, as given in Psalm 65
1. Forgive Them All
Psalms 65:3
Though we are overwhelmed by our sins,
you forgive them all.
No one is exempt from the temptations, the sins and the struggles that actually overwhelms us. I have personally had my fair-share of them, and I am sure you have had your own struggles and difficulties too. There are sins that we feel guilty about, and there are other sins that we overlook or ignore. Either way, our sins are poisonous enough to cause our death if not treated through a Holy Spirit surgery. (James 1:15)
That is why God wants us to begin this year with an awareness of His forgiveness for all of our sins. Don’t allow your struggles to overwhelm you when God has already said a final word over them on the cross. Do not carry any baggages of the previous year into the next one!
2. Answer Our Prayers
Psalms 65:5
You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds,
O God our savior.
You are the hope of everyone on earth,
even those who sail on distant seas.
During my mentorship/discipleship sessions with people in church and during public meetings, the one word that has constantly resonated is that this year is going to be season of seeing prayers answered. I have had many people ask me why their prayers weren’t getting answered, why the prophecies they received weren’t getting fulfilled, or why their breakthroughs hadn’t yet manifested?
I may not have a consolidated solution to give for that. However, I do know that God is in charge of your life, when you love Him (Romans 8:28). Here we can either trust in Him, or we can doubt His love for us. When we walk in a way where our hearts and lives continue to be loyal to Him, He will prove Himself to be mighty and powerful on our behalf (2 Chronicles 16:9). He will answer your prayers with awesome and awe-inspiring miracles! Get ready for that, this year is going to be a year of answered prayers!
3. Drench the Plowed Ground
Psalms 65:10
You drench the plowed ground with rain,
melting the clods and leveling the ridges.
You soften the earth with showers
and bless its abundant crops.
The next thing you have to be prepared for is an outpour of God’s presence over your life. It is going to be so much that you are going to be totally drenched. God promised that He is going to pour out His spirit on all of us, including our children, parents, workers during these last days (Acts 2:17). When He does pour out His presence in this fashion, and we are drenched in the measure of His love, it will melt away every clod of hard heartedness, and level every ridge of pride and ego that we constantly exhibit.
We cannot go from January to December of this year productively without continuing to lean on the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t matter how spiritual we are and how much influence we have in ministry, we need to open ourselves up to a move of the Holy Spirit. The best way to do that is to plow the ground of your heart with God’s word. Do the same with your family and at your church. Prepare yourselves for the coming rain!
4. The Hard Pathways
Psalms 65:11
You crown the year with a bountiful harvest;
even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.
This scripture excited me so much because it says that even the hard pathways will overflow with abundance. I know that we have a constant challenge in the way we face discouraging days and discouraging situations. However, the word of God tell us that we can experience abundance even in the midst of the hard pathways.
God doesn’t promise us easy solutions during all seasons of life. But He does promise abundance of grace during every one of these situations.
Are you prepared to be surprised and overwhelmed even during the most difficult and the darkest days of the year ahead? If not, prepare to be amazed! It is going to be supernatural!
5. A Bountiful Harvest
Psalms 65:9
You take care of the earth and water it,
making it rich and fertile.
The river of God has plenty of water;
it provides a bountiful harvest of grain,
for you have ordered it so.
The term “Bountiful Harvest” repeats itself in more than one verse in this chapter. I pray and hope that each of you reading and receiving these scriptures over your life will experience exactly that. This is the season of reaping every one of those good, godly, and sometimes, sacrificial seeds you have sown into people’s lives over the ages.
God will water your life with His grace and mercy till you attain your bountiful harvest.
What are those areas of your life where you need to experience a breakthrough? Is it in the expression of your love for God? Is it your family or your marriage? Is it your career or finances? God is prepared to send His abundance in every area of your life. All you need to do is to be committed to believe, be willing to surrender and be ready to obey!
Let me wish you a year of Supernatural ABUNDANCE ahead!