Inheriting Goodness

Inheriting Goodness

Key Verse: I myself am satisfied about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another. (Romans 15:14 ESV) Intro A ruler once came to Jesus and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to...
What Gossip Carries!

What Gossip Carries!

Now we all like to wag our fingers on a chit chatting person, condemning him/her to be a tattler, but every time we give in to the temptation of carrying news about Mr & Mrs A to Mr & Mrs B, we are indulging in gossip. It may be a very casual or general...
5 Rewards Of Obedience

5 Rewards Of Obedience

Just yesterday, I preached a sermon at BRC on ‘The 5 Qualities That Will Set You Up To Receive Divine Favor’. You can watch, listen or share the sermon. One of the points in the sermon was Obedience. As I was pondering upon the same in my heart, I realized...
My Confessions of Pride

My Confessions of Pride

Has it happened to you that you thought you were really good at something only to realize a little while later that you’ve failed in the same thing that you were so good at? Every time I conclude that I am good at something or that I have achieved a particular...