The AXE is laid to the root!

The AXE is laid to the root!

Matt 3:10; “Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” That was the message the Lord gave me to preach as an 18 year old boy. And I gladly obeyed it. I preached it at...
Have we stopped Loving?

Have we stopped Loving?

I recently discovered why I am more comfortable in Bangalore than in Mumbai. On my last visit to Mumbai for a meeting, my train happened to arrive at the station at 5am early in the morning. What I witnessed there broke my heart. I saw hordes of people including women...
Porn Revisited

Porn Revisited

I was recently approached by a young, effervescent and versatile minister who shared how he was struggling with porn, even after so many attempts to try and overcome it. I believe there will be many out there who need healing in this area, and after much prayers, have...
Joyful in Tribulation

Joyful in Tribulation

How often do you face life’s circumstances where being happy doesn’t seem a possibility at all? How often do you face people who constantly keep on poking you into a state of sadness? How often your own dreams and ambitions cause you to remain...