Some of The Inspirational Content I Follow

Some of The Inspirational Content I Follow

One of the greatest desires of my life is to remain a student all my life. It is challenging, especially for ministers to continually maintain a culture of learning. But the day you stop learning, and it is only about teaching and giving out to others, your mind will...
5 Rewards Of Obedience

5 Rewards Of Obedience

Just yesterday, I preached a sermon at BRC on ‘The 5 Qualities That Will Set You Up To Receive Divine Favor’. You can watch, listen or share the sermon. One of the points in the sermon was Obedience. As I was pondering upon the same in my heart, I realized...
5 Steps in Preparing Towards Your Marriage

5 Steps in Preparing Towards Your Marriage

Recently I had the privilege of writing a guest-post on ‘Principles of a Godly Marriage’ on the GTH Blog, (Please feel free to read, share and comment on the same, if you haven’t already gone through it.) In this post, I discuss about some key areas...