Welcoming My Daughter “Zahal Varghese”

Welcoming My Daughter “Zahal Varghese”

As many of you might already be aware of by now, God blessed us with a baby girl, Zahal Varghese on December 25th, 2013 at 11:35am IST. It was one of the greatest moments of joy in my life. Though there are many other times in my life, that are more valuable like the...
Top Ten Favourite Music/Worship Albums of 2013

Top Ten Favourite Music/Worship Albums of 2013

At the start of this year, I was very excited, when iTunes released access to international albums on the Indian Store. My most privileged purchase this year would be my mentor Rev. Shyju Mathew’s single, “Never Alone”. If you don’t have it...
Behold the Lamb!

Behold the Lamb!

One of the passages in the New Testament that has amazed me so much is the one I share below. John 1:29, 35-37 NLT [29] The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look! The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world! [35] The following day...
What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

“..that which is called a rose by any other name, would smell as sweet”, or so Shakespeare would have us believe through his timeless classic lyrical tale of ‘Romeo and Juliet’, where Juliet feels that a name is just another ordinary, or worse still, a meaningless...
Do People Have to Accept You?

Do People Have to Accept You?

Quite often, I receive emails regarding issues people face, or have counseled them one on one for hours, only to realize that the fundamental reason of their problem is that they haven’t received acceptance from people around them as much as they had expected....