Mastering Masturbation!

Mastering Masturbation!

Masturbation is a taboo word among many people, especially in our cultural context and also because it involves a lot of shame and guilt that accompanies it. Most times it is completely deceptive to read newspapers and listen to peers who say it is absolutely normal...
Ungodly Influence

Ungodly Influence

Is it sinful to go to a social party where people drink and dance? Is it sinful to hangout with friends who have a mean attitude and use indecent language? Is it a sin to be a close friend of people who don’t believe in Jesus and don’t go to church like you do? Is it...
The Dynamics of Fasting

The Dynamics of Fasting

Many times I have been asked this question, “Why is it important to fast and pray?” What is so different about praying with food intake and without? Is it necessary for a Christian to fast? How often should one fast and for how long should it be? What should be done...
God Bless 2011

God Bless 2011

Dear Friends, I had an amazing time last week praying and ministering alongside a group of passionate youngsters from around the thane suburbs in Mumbai. It was an amazing time. God has been teaching me this one thing over the past month, which I shared with them in...
Church and Homosexuality

Church and Homosexuality

I was recently chatting with a dear brother when he suddenly opened up and revealed his history with homosexuality. And I was shocked to learn the way in which the church treated him! As much as God hates the practice of homosexuality, so much so does he love...