Igniting the Leader in You

Igniting the Leader in You

A dear friend of mine often quotes, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”  If the leadership in a church or organization is rooted firmly in God, His Word and His Spirit, the  entire organization and the church will follow the same pattern. It is...
Who’s your Master? – Part 1

Who’s your Master? – Part 1

Would like to start with asking you a personal question? What is that one thing or Who is that one person who influences your behavior and all your decisions? That thing or that person masters you. We all have masters and gods over our lives. Knowingly or in ignorance...
5 Tips to Learn & Grow!

5 Tips to Learn & Grow!

I saw a small boy struggling to pedal his cycle across a little rough road. My normal self wanted to reach out and help him out, but I resisted the temptation to help him and watched him take efforts and do it on his own. It took a few minutes for him but he came out...
Speed Breakers ??

Speed Breakers ??

I remember seeing a man knocked off the road and lying dead in a pool of blood on a late night last weekend. Couldn’t take the picture out of mind for a while. Next day when I met a friend who stays near that place and told him about the accident, he responded...