“My will or Thy Will” Choose Today!

“My will or Thy Will” Choose Today!

Have you heard the song ‘It’s my life’ by Jon Bon Jovi? One of my friends recently sang something similar to me. Although it was a bit off-tune, the person meant every word of it! As I spoke about the things that needed a fix in this person’s...
The AXE is laid to the root!

The AXE is laid to the root!

Matt 3:10; “Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” That was the message the Lord gave me to preach as an 18 year old boy. And I gladly obeyed it. I preached it at...
Defeating the spirit of Suicide!

Defeating the spirit of Suicide!

I was shocked to read this news about a girl from IIM Bangalore committing suicide because her boyfriend supposedly dumped her on Facebook. As common as this news may seem today, it should ring an alarm in the heart and mind of a believer living in this day and hour....