Four Keys to Become Active in Your Waiting

Four Keys to Become Active in Your Waiting

We as a church have been learning about The Principle of Waiting on God. Jesus commanded the disciples to wait on God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit before stepping out into doing any sort of ministry. In fact, He exemplified it in His lifestyle by regularly...
5 Signs of a Lukewarm Spirit

5 Signs of a Lukewarm Spirit

The previous night during House Church, we were studying Matthew 25 that describes the story of the ten bridesmaids, five of them who are termed ‘wise’ and the other five, ‘foolish’. The wise ones had prepared for a long night with extra oil for their...
How to Rebuild Trust in Your Marriage?

How to Rebuild Trust in Your Marriage?

Marriage is THE most beautiful of all human relationships that ever exists. The beauty of marriage is it’s exclusiveness. You cannot share the love you have for your spouse with anyone else in the whole world. That, unfortunately, is also the primary reason why...