Why Revival Matters? – Part 2

Why Revival Matters? – Part 2

One of the greatest things that has moved the heart of Jesus was witnessing great crowds. The word says that Jesus was moved with compassion when he saw the multitudes. (Matt 9:36) In fact, Jesus’ ministry was multi-focused. He raised up quality disciples at the...
How Poor Are You?

How Poor Are You?

I was very humbled, recently, when a senior minister, who has had more exposure in the ministry, in life and with people, came up to me and said, “I’d like to spend more time with you so that I could learn from the way you minister and talk to...
3 Indispensable Anchors of a Christian Soul

3 Indispensable Anchors of a Christian Soul

I was shocked to watch a video that was being shared on social networking sites, of how five people got swept away by the raging waters at Patalalpani, Indore, last month. All five of them tried their best to remain standing by holding on to each other. They had lots...
Fire Baptized Harvesters!!

Fire Baptized Harvesters!!

Even as I write this post for the blog, I am in the land known as God’s own country! This is the place of my birth but every time I come here, it thrills my heart to see the number of Christian believers here in this land. At times, I feel like some Jonah had...
Have we stopped Loving?

Have we stopped Loving?

I recently discovered why I am more comfortable in Bangalore than in Mumbai. On my last visit to Mumbai for a meeting, my train happened to arrive at the station at 5am early in the morning. What I witnessed there broke my heart. I saw hordes of people including women...