Dreaming Revival With God

Dreaming Revival With God

The church that I am pastoring over here is called the Bangalore Revival Center. Our desire and heart for the church through all these days has been to host God in our individual, family, and corporate lives till we see revival over our church, other churches in the...
Do We Really Fear God?

Do We Really Fear God?

One thing I really love about my association with Rev. Shyju Mathew and the ministry of Revive Nations is the privilege of witnessing the tangible presence of God at work in the lives of people. One such time was the meeting at ‘Charisma Fire’ in...
A Word For 2013

A Word For 2013

The year 2013 began with a note of celebration for me, which I shared with you through this blog. It is with greater joy that I begin to write for this year. On the new year’s eve, while I was praying and preparing to preach at BRC, I received a word, Hosea...
A Jesus Glorifying Revival

A Jesus Glorifying Revival

One of the greatest reasons I have been bothered and many a times, saddened by many of the so called revivals and Christian movements worldwide is because, they fail to glorify God at the end of the day. One of the greatest mark of a true revival is that no man gets...
The Flame of Prophetic Worship

The Flame of Prophetic Worship

Worship has been an essential part of every revival that has ever hit in the history of the church. Revival is basically when people are awakened to the reality and the greatness of God. And such a revelation of God always emulates genuine worship. However crazy...
The Dynamics of Fasting

The Dynamics of Fasting

Many times I have been asked this question, “Why is it important to fast and pray?” What is so different about praying with food intake and without? Is it necessary for a Christian to fast? How often should one fast and for how long should it be? What should be done...