Raising Prayer Warriors in Church

Raising Prayer Warriors in Church

by Pastor Priji & Pastor Finny Stephan Samuel | ChurchTalk https://anchor.fm/s/530b85e4/podcast/play/49621289/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2022-2-25%2F22d706d6-ef39-1284-3b02-a2a53d7ef008.mp3 Raising Prayer Warriors in Church Today we...
Overcoming Hurts in Church

Overcoming Hurts in Church

Overcoming Hurts in Church Today we have Rachel Francis in conversation with Pastor Priji on how to handle hurts in church, and in the process how to grow and achieve our God given potential to the full. by Pastor Priji & Rachel Francis | ChurchTalk...
The Process of Church Plantation

The Process of Church Plantation

The Process of Church Plantation Tune in to today’s conversation as Pastor Priji speaks to Pastor Sujay Sam on his journey of church planting. Let us gain insights from his story on the foundations and growth in a church! by Pastor Priji | ChurchTalk...
5 Keys to Avoid Burn Out in Worship Ministry

5 Keys to Avoid Burn Out in Worship Ministry

5 Keys to Avoid Burn Out in Worship Ministry How often have you heard your worship leader or musician complain about the stress and exhaustion because of their commitment to the worship team? Here are some keys to positioning yourself in a safe place to avoid burnout....
Addressing Lack of Finances

Addressing Lack of Finances

Addressing Lack of Finances Welcome to Church Talk! In today’s episode Pastor Priji converses with Prophet Able Varghese on the role of prophets in the current church. Tune in as we learn about the identity of prophets! by Pastor Priji | ChurchTalk...
The Role of Prophets in Church

The Role of Prophets in Church

The Role of Prophets in Church Welcome to Church Talk! In today’s episode Pastor Priji converses with Prophet Able Varghese on the role of prophets in the current church. Tune in as we learn about the identity of prophets! by Pastor Priji | Prophet Able Varghese |...