The Lord before “The Love”

The Lord before “The Love”

The Lord before “The Love” Let us receive from the conversation between Pastor Priji and Tara Bhattacharya on marriage. Tara is settled in Dubai with wife, Manisha and have been blessed with a baby. He was born in a different faith and now carries a...
Overcoming Personality Differences With Your Spouse

I, Isaac Take Thee Rebekah (#ThankYouRavi)

I, Isaac Take Thee Rebekah (#ThankYouRavi) Here’s an encouraging word from Dr. Ravi Zacharias for all those that are preparing towards marriage and also for those that are already married. We hope that this will encourage and help direct your footsteps! by Dr. Ravi...

Necessary Emotional Boundaries During Dating

Necessary Emotional Boundaries During Dating Are you dating or planning to date someone? Pastor Priji mentions few guidelines that are necessary during your dating period that will help you prepare for your marriage. by Pastor Priji | MarriageTalk...