We Crown You – Kalley Heiligenthal

by Kalley Heiligenthal | Another Day With Jesus http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/399593997-pastorpriji-sunday-songs-27.mp3 Revelation 4:10 NLT The twenty-four elders fall down and worship the one sitting on the throne (the one who...

He is Exalted – Steve Lawrence

by Steve Lawrence | Another Day With Jesus http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/394009011-pastorpriji-sunday-songs-26.mp3 Psalm 99:2 The LORD is great in Zion; He is exalted over all the peoples. If you’re in Bangalore, join us for...

Sinking Deep – Hillsong Young & Free

by Hillsong Young & Free | Another Day With Jesus http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/379723202-pastorpriji-sunday-songs-23.mp3 Ephesians 2:4-5 MSG Instead, immense in mercy and with an incredible love, He embraced us… If...
King of the World – Alex Thao

King of the World – Alex Thao

by Alex Thao | Another Day With Jesus http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/376693946-pastorpriji-sunday-songs-22.mp3 Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to Him. Lyrics: I...