A New Revelation

Dec 28, 2017 | Podcast, Worship

Revelation 5:9

And they sang a new song with these words: “You are worthy to take the scroll and break its seals and open it. For you were slaughtered, and your blood has ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation

Series: The Revelation Worship

As we have a breakthrough in our worship, we have a breakthrough in our entire life. We were created for worship, to bring pleasure to God, to make that our life goal and purpose, to give God glory, honour, thanksgiving and power with every breath of our lives.

The verse speaks of the events happening in Heaven. Heaven is eternal and for all eternity but there’s always a different kind of song sung in Heaven, shown throughout the Bible.

The ‘scroll’ is in context tha
t – there was a search and nobody in Heaven or on earth or under the earth, in all the three realms, nobody in the past, present nor future, that was found worthy. That’s when the Lion and the Lamb walks to the Father, Jesus, and takes the scroll from the Father.

This worship is in response to that. There was a fresh revelation in Heaven, and immediately there was a new song that was sung.

One reason why we don’t have new songs or new reasons to worship Him is because we don’t have fresh revelations of God in our lives.
If we can just make it a goal to spend time with the Word everyday and pray everyday then we will become open to receiving revelations. When we receive these revelations is when we’ll be automatically drawn to a place of worship, otherwise we’ll be singing the same old song all over again.

We have a reason to worship God always, that Jesus ransomed His life for our salvation. So worship, and break open divine intervention into our lives.

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