Echo The Truth

by | Abundant life

(1 Peter 3:10 NLT)

“For the Scriptures say, “If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies.”


As Christians, we are called to live life to the full extent. The secret to living a happy, enjoyable, and long life is to keep our tongue from speaking evil and our lips from telling lies. We are a true extension of God when we prosper, flourish, and produce fruit throughout our lives. Most don’t enjoy life because of this very reason; it is not because of no money, no friends, no opportunities, no fame, etc. Restraining and taming the tongue from speaking evil is the key to a happy life. Whenever we speak evil, we attract evil and this glorifies the enemy who comes only to kill, steal, and destroy.  

God wants us to prosper. It’s not in His will that we live depressed, hurting, or broken. Everything that we speak creates, promotes, and multiplies certain atmospheres around us. A constant evaluation is essential to ensure we speak and echo God. It’s a lie if God hasn’t spoken it. Lies are not only deception, it is turning away from what God has already spoken. For eg, in the Garden of Eden, the serpent came and gave a second piece of information about the same tree which God had spoken about. Adam and Eve were deceived because of this secondary information/source. If we constantly ponder what God is speaking, we live and speak the truth. Jesus is the way, truth, and life.  

Let’s pursue God in this manner constantly and tame our tongues. Confess and condemn those words that are not from God. And we will enjoy the happy days ahead of us. May the Lord bless you with supernatural happiness from the way you exercise the power of your words.

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