Ever Flowing Stream

by | Acceptable worship

Amos 5:24 (ESV)

“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”


The whole purpose of knowing and encountering God is to understand His heart and mind and to become more like Him. We have to imitate him in our approaches, decision making, in our reactions and conversations.
The Bible says in Amos:5, the Lord spoke through Prophet Amos that He hated and despised their feast and took no delight in their solemn assemblies and festivals they celebrated. The offerings they offered and songs they sang were not accepted. Yet, it was the Lord himself who ordained these festivals and made sure that it was organized and celebrated on time.
The Lord says, if there is no justice and righteousness, all of the celebration, gathering together, and giving is in vain. Everything we do has to be rooted and founded in justice and righteousness. Righteousness must become like an ever flowing stream. We have become the righteousness of God, because of what He has done on the cross for us. We have been given the ability to exercise justice and discern the good and bad.  

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