Beautifying Spirit

by | Podcast, Two dimensions

Job 26:13 (NLT)

“His Spirit made the heavens beautiful, and his power pierced the gliding serpent.”


The Holy Spirit who is given to us as our helper and comforter is the one who is constantly working in our lives to make everything beautiful according to God’s original design and plans for our lives. In Job 26:13 it says, it is the Holy Spirit who had made the heavens beautiful. The same beautification effect is done by the Holy Spirit in our minds, hearts and body. The spirit of the Lord makes us glorious and magnificent in every way because of the work that he is doing for us and through us.

At the same time, every serpent that is trying to glide and have dominion over our lives, the power of the Holy Spirit that is beatifying us, and the same anointing that is setting us apart, will be released to destroy that serpent. The Holy Spirit not only helps us, but also, protects and defends us. So, refuse to be discouraged because of the bitter past experiences, because the enemy is constantly trying to make us look down on ourselves and be hidden in condemnation, which will eventually distance us from the presence of God. But, if we allow the Holy Spirit to do the work of beautification and cleansing, we will produce life lasting results.

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