Believe His Love

by | Podcast, Understanding

Deuteronomy 1:27 (NLT)

You complained in your tents and said, ‘The LORD must hate us. That’s why he has brought us here from Egypt—to hand us over to the Amorites to be slaughtered.


Every time we fail to understand God’s love, we fail to discern the way in which God expresses his love, we are going to be a victim to the environment around us. It is essential for us to have a constant revelation of how much God loves us so that we can live victorious here on the earth. In Deuteronomy 1:27, Israelites actually thought the Lord bringing them to fight this battle with Amorites was a sign of God’s hate towards them. But, we understand that it was God expressing his love, grace, favour over these people. That is why he brought them out of Egypt, he led them through the wilderness, he brought them to face and fight the Amorites so that he can give them a victory, which will show off God’s favour and love for this people.

There are going to be seasons in our life, when we do not have everything according to how we want it. But, that is not how the kingdom of God works. If we want to experience a victory, the Lord is going to lead us into a battle. We shouldn’t interpret the battles as God’s hate toward us. The enemy might convince us that is the truth. He might even surround us with proof and all the evidence to believe that God actually dislikes us. But if we will just walk with God in seasons like that, pray like never before, and let every lies in our heart to be exposed, then we will begin to see things from his perspective. It is impossible for us to walk in victory if we do not receive God’s love.

In the New Testament, Paul said in Romans 8 – For we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Our conquering ability/capacity is going to be limited to our revelation of how much God loves us. That is why the enemy is constantly trying to prove that God does not love us. Because, if we can just hold on to that belief that God is for us, that God loves us, that his intentions are for our blessing and he will bring all things to work together for our good, we are going to win every battle, we are going to come out on top of every race that we enter into, because we believe that God is on our side.

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