Belong to Jesus

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Acts 18:10 (NLT)

“For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you, for many people in this city belong to me.”


In Acts 18:9-10, the Lord is encouraging Paul through a vision. Visions usually require interpretation and we need faith to believe in it. Firstly, Jesus encourages him by telling him to not be afraid. He had just finished preaching to a sect of Jews. Some received him, while others rejected him. This could create fear in his heart because, he knows what happened to Jesus, and his followers, Stephen and James. The church was being persecuted by the Jews at that time. That is why, Jesus tells him to not be afraid and instead, preach the Gospel.

Jesus does not want us to be silenced, but rather speak out. Even if we feel cornered and isolated, we need to amplify our voice and preach. Be explicit in telling people that there is only one God, only one Way, one Truth, and one Life, and that is Jesus. We cannot be timid because there are trials. The reason for this kind of courage is because the Lord says, “For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you”.

If God has placed us in a particular environment, nobody can take us out before the set time. Trust the grace of God that is backing us. Let the Holy Spirit speak through us, when we must speak before the people around, we’ll be equipped with the right words. Let’s preach the Gospel without being silenced by the enemy.

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