The Perfected Love

by | Brotherly love

(1 John 4:12 KJV)

“No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.”


Today, we need to have a fresh revelation of the Lord and at the same time desire for Jesus to manifest in the lives of our friends, families, and neighbors.  In 1 John 4:12, it is clear that it is hard and impossible for man, on his own accord to see and encounter Jesus. However, if you and I have a glimpse of how God loves us, how much sacrificially He gave up for our sake, and if we start loving one another with that revelation, then, Jesus will dwell among us. 

Sometimes it is easy to pray and ask the Lord to dwell among us and to release a revival, but it is much harder to love one another. When we love one another, God dwells in us. When we constantly engage in Christ-like love for one another, it invites the presence of God to invade our Church. When others see the way we love one another, they will see God.  If we have encountered Jesus and have experienced what unconditional love is but yet, that love is not perfected in us till we love one another.

Jesus is love himself and this love should manifest in our community, gatherings, the way we pursue the lost sheep and towards the prodigal sons, it should be visible in our joy, and humility. Then, we can be assured that our love is perfected.

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