The Fighting Friend

by | Change of testimony

1 Samuel 19:20 (AMP)

“Then Saul sent messengers to take David; but when they saw the group of prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing and presiding over them, the Spirit of God came on the messengers of Saul; and they also prophesied.”


Whatever we are facing this day, the Lord has a plan to redeem and protect us. The enemy will try to persecute the grace and favour on us, as he knows the end result we can birth when we allow the Lord to manifest his fullness in us.  

There was a season when David fled and escaped from Saul, and came to find refuge, with his Prophet Samuel. Messengers were sent to capture David, with a piece of information. There is a certain kind of information that we can make us a captive, so, we have to be careful as to who speaks into our heart and mind. If this information is not from the Lord, it can create unnecessary bondage in our lives, for a particular season and, not be blessed.

Here, Saul sent messengers to capture David and bring him back to Saul, but David was surrounded by anointed people, and with the Prophet. There are two kinds of messengers: they are the ones influenced by two different personalities carrying different spirits. First kind carry the messages from Saul, the sprit enabling Saul was enabling the message sent by him. The second kind, are led by Prophet Samuel and the sprit that enables him, fuelled the Prophet. An amazing transference happens at this point! These guys that came to attack David, as soon as they saw Samuel, the Holy Spirit decided to defend David by taking over the testimony, the reports and words they spoke. Suddenly the guys who came to take over David, started prophesying similarly to Samuel’s Prophets and the spirit of God changed the testimony of David’s enemies.  

The Holy Spirit is an advocate, defender, and friend for us. When enemies come to take us captive, the prophecies and revelations will not come to pass because the Holy Spirit, will take complete control.  The Holy spirit will use them to bring heavenly manna and direction, instead. This Holy spirt will personally fight for our battles and destiny, as he knows where we have to reach tomorrow.

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