Charge Against Him
Matthew 27:37 (NIV)
“Above his head they placed the written charge against him: this is Jesus, the king of the jews.”
Every moment, the Lord wants to reveal himself fresh in a new manner to those that are diligent lovers of his presence. Are we really pursuing the presence of God? He is a holy and righteous God. In him, there is no blemish. Not just when he was in heaven, he came down onto this earth for us. He lived like us. He served the humanity, his community, his people. For 33 and a half years, he walked on the earth and yet the Bible says he was without any blame. Jesus was not crucified because he made a mistake. He did not die because he was wrong. He died because he was right, righteous, and perfect. He accepted the fact that he is the son of God, the Messiah, he claimed to be the “King of the Jews“ and that is why they crucified him. Even the guy that betrayed Jesus understood that Jesus was in fact innocent.
This is the king that we have a relationship with, this is the glorious Lord that we submit. The world that he came into could not receive him because of his perfection and the imperfect world could not understand the perfection that came to walk, talk, and interact with them.
Sometimes, we do the same mistake. When we see the glory, majesty of God, we just want to run the other way. We feel like hiding, not really pursuing a deep, close relationship with God. He is a High Priest who was tempted in every way, in every thing like you and I. He had to go through the same challenges, trials, troubles and, that is why he can sympathise with us, he can understand our struggles, our ups and downs, our failures, our victories. If we will allow him to continue to mould us and change us, then the Lord will do a new work within us today. The purpose and the motive of walking with God is not just to have a clean slate at the end of the day where we say that “yes, I have been forgiven, redeemed or restored”. The purpose of walking with God is to ultimately begin to look like him, represent him here on the earth, to really be so full of him that we are the active, the real representation of the fullness of God here on the earth.
When we enter into eternity, we are not just going in as our individual self. We are going in as the small image bearers of Jesus. Let’s always be mindful of what Jesus did for us on the cross, the price that he paid, the sacrifice that he made so that we can be made the righteousness, the purity, the holiness of God.
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