Cherish & Embrace Wisdom

by | Nearness, Podcast

Proverbs 4:8 (GW)

“Cherish wisdom. It will raise you up. It will bring you honour when you embrace it.” 


In life, everything we have is because of Jesus. He is the source of joy in our lives and relationships. When we walk with Jesus daily, we begin to receive fresh understanding and revelation. We must learn how to cherish and celebrate what we are receiving from the Lord. There is a grace given to each one of us that cherish, honour and celebrates the wisdom that God is giving us. There are two aspects to it. First aspect is, that Jesus himself is the wisdom of God so when we cherish Jesus we are actually cherishing wisdom. Second aspect is, when we walk with Jesus, certain information and knowledge will be revealed to us. This information should be taken seriously. We can write it down and pray over it. We need to keep referring to this wisdom back and forth when we make decisions or want to make a change in our environment. God wants us to embrace wisdom and to become one with wisdom. When we begin to value wisdom, God will raise us up. This wisdom will bring honour and great respect in our lives. 

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