Raising Davids of this Generation

Sep 12, 2020 | Church

Sam Alex Pasula is the Founder and Director of Bridge Music. He has a passion to raise up the ‘Davids’ of this generation, the hidden creatives, and give them platforms to impact the world. He is driven by the desire to see India become a mission force to the world through creativity, fathering, and empowerment.

Enjoy the converstion and deep revelations on worship and through his life!


Pastor Priji: Hello Sam, so good to have you here today on our daily podcast! We have been hearing and seeing how God has been using you as a worship leader to reach out to many youths all around the world.

Sam Alex: Thank you so much Pastor Priji, it’s definitely a pleasure to do this with you! I pray that this podcast will help churches and people reach their God-given potential! Really excited!

Pastor Priji: Yes, believing the same with you Sam! To start off, you had earlier mentioned that you grew up in a church that didn’t believe in the move of the Holy Spirit and how you used to lock yourself up in a room to encounter God. Could you please tell us more about that?

Sam Alex: Absolutely! I grew up in a conservative family and my dad was a pastor for 23 years. We believed in the move of God but our perspective was different. We didn’t believe in tongues or in the prophetic.

Music was a huge part of my life but the worship I knew was “give your talents to the Lord”. I did not have an intimate relationship with the Lord. I believed that honouring God only with my gifts was the relationship I could have with Him.

Eventually I was very tired of the mundane christian life, going to church, playing keys, sing a couple of songs but then came a time where I started asking God that I need an encounter from Him!

Long story short, I was supposed to be attending a Bible College in Australia and that didn’t happen. I was hopeless and upset with God but at the same time I felt peace in my heart and that day I locked up myself in a room and told God that I am not leaving the room unless You talk to me and the Lord came through that night itself and from the second night I stayed because He spoke to me and that encounter lasted for 2 months.

To be honest I didn’t feel like eating, I forgot to eat and everytime I opened the Bible I used to think that this book is different than before. Not to brag but my hunger for God increased, the way I saw God, my worship changed and my songs changed. There’s so much to tell but think I’ll stop here.

Pastor Priji: That’s so powerful Sam. It’s so tricky to think that all the talents we have is God’s approval over our lives but after God’s encounter your life changed, there was a new meaning to everything, how did that change shape you?

Sam Alex: For me, it was my identity! Alot of people place their identity in what they do. For me I really understood the power of just being a son. My identity doesn’t come from what I do but it comes from who I am. I remember God asking me if I would still worship Him, if I didn’t have a voice or I din’t had anything and there I saw the Father’s heart. He’s not looking for people to do things for Him but is looking for people to do things with Him.

God is not looking for people to do things for Him but is looking for people to do things with Him. - Sam Alex Share on X

I am still working on my identity, breaking of my orphan mind set and that’s when repentance comes in. Its not an event but repentance is everyday thing. Death is an event but dying to yourself is an everyday process. To conclude I think God will simply ask us two questions, who you are and where are you at (position in Christ and not your location). You look at Jesus and know who you are.

Pastor Priji: I think we can go on every day this is so good! I also want to ask you after coming back from Bethel at what point did you decide to start training and equipping people?

Sam Alex: It all started when I prayed for revival and the Lord stopped me and told me what if it’s already happening and you just not seeing it. India does not need a revival but it needs fathers. Let revival be a reward and a fruit rather than the root. The Lord told me to raise and invest in Davids, the ones who know the father’s heart.

India does not need a revival but it needs fathers. - Sam Alex Share on X

When I came to India and I told my band that we are no longer going to be a band but people who raise up leaders, artists and champions and that’s what Bridge music is doing.

We pray that people who we lead will do better than us. I pray that generations that come after us will know the Father more.

Pastor Priji: Thats a mature and fatherly perspective to have and to narrow it down, I would want to ask you, what advice would you give to worship pastors and leaders for the ones they have identified or are planning to train them?

Sam Alex: It’s about the heart and the posture as well. To be honest there is a lot of hurt involved in the church. Sons need to feel empowered and not feel like their being used in the church they serve. My spiritual father once said always be at a place where you are celebrated and not tolerated. We are often like David’s brothers and like David’s father who did not notice David who was qualified and full of potential looking after the sheep back in the field. They shouldn’t hesitate to put people in front. Sometimes we have to humble ourselves and ask them how can I do better?

Always be at a place where you are celebrated and not tolerated Share on X

Worship leaders need to empower others above themselves. They need to build trust, develop a personal connection and spend some time with them.

Pastor Priji: How do you change a revelation to a form of worship? How does the transition take place and could you also give us a few tips on how to write songs?

Sam Alex: That’s a good question. I believe that a personal breakthrough should be a corporate breakthrough, your personal breakthrough should bring an impact to others. A revelation given to you should not be locked up but it shared it to others as well. Worship is not an event worship comes from a place of desiring to worship the Lord and not form a place of religious duty.

Worship is not an event worship comes from a place of desiring to worship the Lord and not form a place of religious duty. - Sam Alex Share on X

The song ‘Chattan’ was a blessing indeed, we had received so many testimonies after releasing that song and one of them was about a pregnant woman who was being tested positive for coronavirus after she delivered and she was miraculously healed overnight as the song was sung over her and the doctors indeed was surprised and truth be hold I released that song when it was yet to be produced but God told me release the song so I put together all the raw files that I had and released it and it has truly blessed everyone.

And about corporate songs, I write them from place of breakthrough and a revelation for the church. Songwriters are the biggest prophets today. We sing and make a declaration of every word they write and therefore we need to be careful of what we are writing.

Pastor Priji: Thank you for your time Sam! This conversation has truly been a blessing!

You can get in touch with Sam Alex through thier website at BridgeMusicIndia.com

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