Should Churches Use Social Media?
The Church is so much more than an organization, a place where Jesus is represented, glorified, where he can encounter his people on a daily basis. Whichever local church you have been planted in, don’t wait for someone to hire you instead be intentional and serve when you receive your opportunity even when you’re not paid as you’re not serving men but Jesus himself.
We’re going to engage in a conversation surrounding the advantages, disadvantages and what not of Social Media in the current era.
To begin with, it is important to check your heart status before indulging in putting yourself completely out there. It is key that you are not carried away with the idea of being popular and gaining followers whilst doing ministry. If that ends up being your sole identity, it is a dangerous place to come out of. You have to be careful to not aid to your personal ambitions but know that God has already a purpose for His kingdom that will align with the church you serve. Less of us and more of Him. You have to set your priorities right before taking on the responsibility of lifting God’s name through social media.
Social media has become such an essential part of our life so much so that it was the very source of communication and having fellowship with one another considering the year that we’ve had regarding the pandemic. All our church services and meetings have been conducted online through media platforms like Facebook, Zoom etc. This has made us realize its significance and help us be grateful all the more. However, it has its cons too. It can be addictive, it can give you so much exposure to things you don’t even want to find out about as well as be a place where you seek your identity from.
This is why it is necessary to be very intentional with the content we put out there on our social media platforms otherwise we’ll get lost with the norms of the society. If you’re someone who has an earnest desire to expand your church online, you have to be aware of why you’re going to begin in the first place.
John 4 talks about Jesus on his way to Galilee but He had to stop over at Samaria. He didn’t need to, He had to. He sits down by a well of Jacob where people on the daily gathered to discuss the current happenings of the town and what not. This well symbolizes our social media.
The Bible talks about how Jesus stopped by the well when no one was around except for one woman or to say in lay man terms, Jesus logged into his social media account and didn’t wait for the masses instead catered to this one broken follower who needed a revelation.
Jesus ministered to one person who was distressed. He went out of His way to find that one person who required help. The same way are you willing to be intentional with your service online and go out of your zone of comfort to find that one person who needs a prophetic counsel from the Lord.
Jesus’ availability and compassion to engage in a conversation with the Samaritan women caused many more families to accept Him as their savior and came to hear Him speak. A simple conversation spread like wildfire and saved an entire city.
One post, one conversation went viral and caused a media outbreak. If you’re intentional to minister with just one person, that would cause a ripple effect. This was a part of Jesus’ lifestyle which we should also be persistent in. Then with time instead of being disciplined in a habit, we’d be consistent in doing it out of compassion as well. Don’t get lost with the trends popping up every now and then but focus on saving that one soul that God cares for because even one word of encouragement from the Spirit will take the contrite heart on a long run.
As a church, it is necessary you set apart time to improve and update the technology you have so as to provide the best outreach to meet people’s need anywhere at any time. The Samaritan woman is never going to outright come into one of your meetings or services so it is important that her distraught is met right where she is. So, the church has to be calculative when it comes to funds and part aside money received to help the gospel to be disseminated in the best way possible. The church according to its grace has to employ people who can release audios, designs, resources that would meet discontented spirits right at their place. You got to be the hands and the feet of Jesus and be there by the well of Jacob engaging in conversations.
Jesus was waiting near the well way before the Samaritan woman showed up. Way before he gained followers, he waited there with an intention to provide this woman with the living water. We should all be intentional with what we exemplify ourselves with. Before the lights come flashing in, we should be intentional with what message we want to put across whether that is in the sermons we prepare, the posts we share, let people see that and echo that around.
Social media ministry isn’t everything, physical meet ups are just as important. However, to meet a broken generation, the easiest way is to reach them through their smartphones. Learn how to edify your written content, visual graphics or podcasting on Google so as to attract people who need to hear God’s word. Push for excellence in that field of interest to make people more convenient.
Check your heart. Ensure that it hasn’t strayed away from the true word of God. Anything that isn’t from the spirit of God, pride, ambition, evil desires, be submitted in humility in God’s hands. Be expressive in what you portray with the best motives in both areas, online and offline, a perfect balance.
Talking about God can be controversial on some media platforms, so study your context. Be aware of what you’re permitted to do and what you’re not.
May the Lord bless you to help you touch not just their minds but their hearts as well and create an impact.
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