The Power of Warfare Praying
It is a Joy to have you tuned in today. The plans that God has for the earth today, He accomplishes through the Church. If we are lovers of God then we have to love It is necessary that we grow in our understanding of what the church is and How it is supposed to function and create an impact in the world around us. One of the most powerful weapons that God has given us is the weapon of Prayer. In Ephesians 6 we see the details of the armoury that every child of God has. One of them is the gift of Praying in the Spirit and we are encouraged to pray in the Spirit at all times and this keeps our Spirit on the alert. It is necessary that we take the calling of prayer very seriously. Sometimes we are selfish in our prayers and we pray for our own needs most times or for our families and that is how we underutilize the weapon of prayer and today we are encouraged to take the ministry of prayer very seriously.
There are two types of Prayer. The first is the prayer of communication and in this scenario, we constantly talk to God and we are relating and growing in our walk with Him. This prayer we use is one we pray for when we want to fight Spiritual forces. The weapon of Prayer is not just for communication with God we are encouraged by Paul to pray in the Spirit and this kind of prayer is a warfare that is released in the Spirit realm. Jesus said ‘’I will build my church and the gates of Hell with not prevail against it and How do we play our part? The truth is every church is under attack and unless we understand every weapon which we are given and put them to good use, we will remain defeated and impotent against the works of the enemy. If we will take this weapon of prayer and intentionally start speaking out loud, form groups that will take up the kingdom of darkness in our city and nation that is when the church will have the final say. When Jesus called us to be the church, He asked us to also stand in the gap for the world around us. When we are not aware of our role in seeing the world around us experience revival then we will be lethargic. Hoping that today, our hearts will burn with the desire to start up prayer movements in our community and locality. It is necessary that we do whatever we can to secure our nation and city.
In these last days the work of the enemy is being accelerated and why are we taking it easy as a Church or jumping into action? Today the Lord is calling us and commanding us( His Bride) to rise up, take her position and get angry at the works of the enemy. When we hear reports of negativity in the news, we need to weep and get angry at everything manifesting in our community and let our hearts feel the heart of God. Let us take time to study the systems prevalent in our city and nation and respond by righteous anger that will cause us to pray and have a desire to unite other churches to pray. God has given the authority to the church to declare over our nations. In this podcast, we are talking to Pastors and leaders but no one is reading this by coincidence through you God can build a community. It is important to understand that every prayer that we make, does not have to be organized. As a believer, look for other believers who have a passion for the city and then gather as much as possible. If the Church will speak, it is the ecclesia that is rising up and those declarations cannot be ignored in the spirit realm. It will accelerate the destiny of many and also the work that so many have.
The one reason that we take prayer for granted is that we do not know how powerful prayer is. It should not just be for our provision and protection and other needs so as a child of God we need to have an arrogant attitude towards our needs and Jesus admonishes that we seek first Gods kingdom and all other things will be added unto us. We do not have to fight our battles but we have to give heart to what God is speaking and as we pursue the Kingdom of God to be established in our city and nation, according to the word that Jesus gave, all other things will come and follow. The primary difference between the world around us and us Christians is that when the world sees problems they expect those in authority to do something about it but when we as children of God are exposed to the brokenness around us, we need to realize that we are the ones who are in authority in the Spirit realm and whatever we bind on earth or loose is reflecting in the heavenly. The true authority of the church is in our hands and if we will pray at all times in the Spirit, there are things that we will not understand but when we pray in the spirit, the spirit of God will begin to activate and push for Gods will to be accomplished around us. That is why Paul said to pray in the Spirit at all times and on all occasions. At every juncture of a project, we need to pray in the Spirit actively and consistently.
Our battle is not against the ones which can harm us in the physical & natural realm but with the Spiritual powers around us. They may not be seen with our naked eyes but can be seen when we observe the climate around us. When we see the negativity in the world around us, what do we do? How do we respond, it is by taking it into our own hands and rebuking the powers and understand that Jesus is building his church. If we believe that Jesus is the final authority then we must respond accordingly. One of the things that our church has done in the last year is to speak over every negative declaration concerning covid. We spoke from a spirit realm and we saw a decline in the covid cases. Whenever we would have someone come to the Church and talk about a third wave, we keep negating that and proclaim what God wants us to pray and declare into the atmosphere. We chose to say we would not surrender to the plans of the enemy. If it happens that what we negated did not come to fruition, It is necessary that we as the church persist in prayers. The enemy is not afraid of a church with a lot of branches or a lot of people but he is afraid of a church that is on fire and knows its Spiritual authority. Let us agree this morning and believe that the Lord will release a burden for prayer on us and every day and opportunity that we get we be there to fight and battle it out till we see the purposes of God for our nation come to pass.
Prayer: Dear Jesus we pray for every Child of yours connecting now that they will have a desire to see that you will be done here on earth as is in Heaven. Lord give us the burden and boldness to pray prayers that will affect our city and nations for eternity. Praying that everyone charged in the Spirit now will act upon it and do something that will change the world around them In Jesus name. Amen!
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