Comfort of Palace
Esther 4:13 (NASB)
“Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the other Jews.”
Good Morning and greetings in Jesus’ name! There are things, there are occasions where we end up taking the blessing of the Lord for granted, and we think we deserve it. And the same things that God has given us as blessings, we end up putting our trust in those blessings; instead of going back to the one who blessed us.
In Esther 4:13, the Lord is using her mentor to speak to her. Esther, who is the queen of the nation, she did not deserve to be the Queen, she did not deserve to be favoured, she did not deserve to be blessed; and yet because of the grace and mercy of God, because of God’s great plan and purpose, today, she is the Queen. Because she was living in the King’s palace, the fact that she has security and provision got into her heart and she is taking the security of her people for granted. That is when Mordecai says, ‘Don’t you ever think that your palace is now going to protect you, when there is an assault on your life, when there is an assault on the lives of the people that you come from.’ When there is an assault on the purposes of God for which you have been planted in this place don’t you think that your palace that God has blessed you with, will help you and protect you. It is absolutely illogical for Mordecai to say that the palace will not protect the queen, the palace is going to fight for the queen, and yet what he wanted the queen to understand, was that the palace cannot become her identity, her security. Her significance cannot be connected to the fact that she lives in the palace.
What are the palaces that the Lord has blessed you with? It could be a church, a ministry, could be a godly, loving family that God has placed you in, which has now become your strong tower, your fortress, you are no longer relying on God as much as you should. Now, you are hoping that your pastor, your prophet, your leaders, they are going to help you instead of the Lord; who is your ultimate fortress and champion. As she heard the voice of Mordecai, Esther immediately repented, fasted, and started seeking the face of God. Today wherever you are, disconnect from the blessings God has given you, so that your heart can be fully sold out to the Lord. In Esther’s story, the reason she was in the palace, was to advocate the case of the people of Israel, and that is the very thing she was running away from, because of the comfort of the palace. Nothing shall be able to thwart or reduce the intensity of the ferocious, violent approach that you have to take for what rightfully belongs to you. The assignments that are given to you, you will not slack in it. The comfort, the influence you have, will not slow you down and instead those will only propel you to serve God fully. Even if it comes at a cost, even if it means that certain blessings will turn around and become a problem, even if it means that you will be kicked out of the palace, you will have to stand for the assignments that the Lord has placed in your life. Your success is in your obedience to the Lord, in your commitment to the Lord.
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